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As Beomgyu laid awake in bed, a sting present throughout his arm.  He looked at the note he had written.

"Am I really gonna do this?"

He wanted to see him one last time.

So, he rose to his feet, his converse tapping against the wooden tile as he walked out of his room.

He didn't take the effort to take off this shoes when he got home.

He stepped outside, the cold air almost feeling like needles against his skin.

He kept forward, in nothing but a thin hoodie and sweats in the middle of December.

He didn't care if he caught a cold at this point.

The cemetery wasn't far, he made it there in 20 minutes.

He knelt into the ground, in front of an all-too-familiar grave.

It's over a year since you've been gone.

I have dreams every night of what happened in June.

I wish I could've been there more, Taehyun.

Did it hurt?

When you crashed, were you knocked unconscious or did you feel everything?

Did you feel the back of your scalp get pealed off of the skull? Did you feel it cave in?

I hope you died without any pain.

You didn't need anymore, you just needed love, and I couldn't provide that for you, and I'm sorry.

I wish I could hug you again.

I wish you were back, even if it was only for a little while.

I have so much to say.

Did you know the school let me hang a memorial of you?

They tried to take it down after a while but I wouldn't let them.

No one should forget you.

I broke the switch you gave me, I'm sorry.

I used to come here and play smash bros by you, I know you loved that game.

I've gotten better, I wish I could play with you again.

I'm sorry on that night I couldn't be there for you, I'm so sorry everything happened the way it did.

Your sister loved you.

I love you.

I will always love you, Tae.

Beomgyu stood up from the ground, wet dirt staining his pants.

He gave one last look to his best friend, before turning away and began walking back home.

Once he stepped foot outside of the cemetery, he felt something land on his cheek, he wiped it, it felt like water?

Was it raining?

The Ghost of You ~ TaeGyuWhere stories live. Discover now