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"Taehyun hurry up in there!"

I yell, banging on the bathroom door, a hinge annoyance lining my voice

Taehyun opened the door, his hair damp wearing nothing but sweatpants that hung loosely on his hips, his boxer line peaking from his waistband.

"My shirt got wet." Taehyun yawns, running his fingers through his hair.

My mouth went dry.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't think he wasn't fucking beautiful.

"You could at least try to hide the staring you know." Taehyun laughs, walking past me and taking a seat on his bed.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes, sitting a fair distance away from him on the bed.

Taehyun was always so beautiful.

I wish he could've seen himself the way I saw him.

He always would talk down about himself, I never could understand why.

He was the prettiest person i'd ever seen, i would try to tell him that but the words always died in my throat.

I wish I could tell him how beautiful he is.

"Your hands."

"What about them?"

I reach over, intending to grab Taehyun's hand, but he pulls away quickly, not letting me touch him.

"They're bruised and cut up, they look rough."

Taehyun nods, looking at his hands.

"I got in a fight."

"With who?!"

"That's not relevant."

Taehyun was mad a lot.

he had a lot of pent up rage, I didn't know why at the time.

He would take it out on me sometimes, although in the moment I didn't like it,

I would give anything for him to hit me again, to yell.

I just want him back.

"Let me bandage them."

"Gyu they aren't that bad-"

I got up, quickly walking into the bathroom, the warm humid air making my skin feel slightly damp.

I dug through the drawers until I found bandaids.

Taehyun always had a lot, he had bandaids on his person often.

I step outside of the bathroom, my skin felt cold against the air.

"Please? They might get infected."

Taehyun agreed, which shocked me.

But I couldn't make a big deal out of it, or he'd back out.

As I was bandaging his fingers, his breathing changed a bit, he was stiff and he didn't advert his gaze away from my face.

His stare made me feel small.

When I was done he was quick to move his hands away, he flexed his fingers, grazing his hands over the band aids.

"I'm just going to take these off when you leave, you know?"

"Then i'll put them on you again."

Taehyun smiled, "I'll kill you if you tried."

I wish he did.

Taehyun, do you know that you're all I think about?

I'll never let you go.

I want to reach out and feel you at the tips of my fingers again, I want you to swat my hand away and yell, I want you.

Oh the things i'd do to see you one more time.

Tell me, were you happy with me?


"Make me beg you to let me breathe."

Taehyun's eyes darkened as he wrapped his fingers around his neck gently.

"You wont beg me."

Beomgyu stares into Taehyun's eyes, his pupils blown wide.

"You'd let me kill you right here."

Taehyun pushes Beomgyu against the wall by his neck, staring deeply into him as they were inches apart.

Beomgyus breath trembles, but he isn't scared.

He was fucking exhilarated.

Taehyun dropped his hand from Beomgyus neck, backing up against the bathroom counter, his hands gripping the edge.

"But i'm not going to do that."

Beomgyu breathes heavily, still flat against the wall in front of him.

"You're too precious to me, I just got you back I don't want to lose you again..you know?"

Beomgyu lets himself fall to the floor, pulling his knees to his chest.

"Oh Tae."

Tears begin to make their way down his face once more, his shoulders shaking with each sob.

"I've missed you so much."

He wants to reach out and touch, he wants to yell, hit, scream.

He wants to do so much, but yet, he still can't find it in him to do anything but cry.

Taehyun crouches down, reaching out to Beomgyus hair.

"It's so long now."

Beomgyu grabs Taehyun's arm, lunging towards him, causing them both to fall backwards onto the hard tile of the bathroom floor.


Beomgyu presses his ear against his chest, listening.


Beomgyu lets out a choked sob, sitting up before pressing his fingers against the pulse point of his neck.

He feels nothing.

He looks different.

Beomgyu misses his tan skin, now replaced with almost ice cold skin that's almost as pale as paper.

"There's nothing there. you can't be alive."

"I'm not, Gyu."

Beomgyu cries out, hitting his fist against his chest.

"I'm dead. We both know that."

"You don't show up in the mirror, you don't have a heartbeat and you're cold, you're really fucking cold."

Taehyun nods, looking at Beomgyu who was still sat on top of him.

"What? Are you a ghost?"

"Your guess is as good as mine."

"I have school today."

"Well, shouldn't you go then?"

"I'm not going anywhere if you're here."

"I can go with you."

"I don't think going to school after you've been dead for a year is a good idea."

"Well, they won't know."


"Only you can see me it seems."

The Ghost of You ~ TaeGyuNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ