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Taehyun got mad a lot.

Don't blame him, he was sick.

He didn't really have anyone but me and his sister.

His sister was working all the time.

So please don't blame him, he was in a bad situation.

I wish he would hit me again.

I miss him so much.

I would rather get hit by him than get nothing from him.

He used to yell, a lot, but I didn't tend to yell back, I just wanted to comfort him.

He was a boxer, so of course his punches hurt, but I grew fond of the way his harsh touches lingered on my skin.

It was a constant reminder that he was real, that he was there, making me feel the way I did.

One time, he did hurt me, pretty bad.

But the weird thing was, I didn't care, I was happy he was touching me, I didn't even really feel it, but once I did, It felt good in a way.

He never really touched me, so I found myself hoping he'd hit me more.

He always felt terrible after, he'd apologize gently, sometimes he'd even touch the bruises he made, the feeling was electric.

The time he hurt me badly is pretty fuzzy, considering it was my head that got hurt, but I remember it enough to tell the story.

He was having a really bad day, he was mad, really mad.

I had said something that pushed him over the edge, I always was a little snippy.

"What is it with you and my mother?! Why do you keep bringing her up?!" He yelled, his voice echoed around his empty bedroom.

"Taehyun I was just worried I-"

He pushed me against the wall, the thud of my head banging against the wall rung out through the room.

I felt dizzy, my vision blurred.

As I tried to settle my unfocused eyes on Taehyuns face, I could see him lift his fist up, I didn't feel the impact, but I heard it.

And suddenly, everything felt far away, Taehyuns face seemed so far, even though it was right there in front of me.

"Shit Beomgyu- y-your head-" His voice seemed to echo around the room, as if we were in a empty parking garage.

"No- s' kay-" I slurred out as I felt my knees give out and I slid down the wall.

"Beomgyu?-" Taehyun whispered, holding the back of my head, my blood staining his fingers.

I remember staring at the ceiling, watching Taehyuns panicked face stare at the top of mine, the panic in his eyes made my stomach turn.

I was happy, my fogged mind didn't understand why he wasn't at the time.

"Are you- smiling?" He whispers, the panic still present in his tone.

"Duh- I'm happy."

Taehyun lets out a panicked breath, leaving the room for a moment.

That made me a bit upset.

Taehyun came back with someone else, she kneeled down to me.

"Ryujin?" I mumbled, reaching my hand out to her.

"Hi honey, don't talk okay? i'm gonna get you cleaned up."

Taehyun standed behind his sister, his hand over his mouth as he watched.

I was brought into the bathroom, she sat me on the toilet, my head slumped back.

I heard the running of a faucet, humidity soon fogged the confined space.

Ryujin helped me out of my clothes, leaving me in just my basketball shorts.

She lowered me into the water gently, it felt nice.

She let me rest my head on her shoulder.

She washed the blood from my head, the water soon had a red tint to it.

She pressed the fingers to the back of my head, it was starting to sting a bit.

I felt myself fade in and out of consciousness.

"Oh jesus Tae." She whispered, her eyes widening as she felt the wound.

"I'm sorry." Taehyun whimpered, holding his face in his hands. "I really didn't mean to- please tell me he'll be okay-"

"It's okay." I remember saying loopily, I didn't like how upset he sounded.

"What?" Ryujin said, looking at me.

"Why is Tae upset-"

"No, honey, no-" She shushed, grabbing a towel patting at the wound.

"Oh no, Tae please- please don't be upset-" I reached out my hand for him, but he didn't grab it.

"This is my fault- it's my fault." He cried, leaving the room.

"Don't worry about him Beomgyu, I'll fix you right up, kay?" She soothed, giving me a soft, unsure smile.


Yeonjun and Beomgyu stand infront of the school doors, the chilly air blowing through their hair.

"Um- thank you Yeonjun, for being with me today." Beomgyu mumbles, running his fingers along the collar of his hoodie.

Taehyun stood behind him, watching as the convo played out.

"You'll be back tomorrow, right?"

Beomgyu pauses a moment, but nods. "Yeah."

Taehyun raised an eyebrow, not expecting that.

Yeonjun smiles, opening his arms.

Beomgyu leans into his embrace, resting his head on Yeonjuns chest.

"You're not gonna disappear again, right?" Yeonjun asks, pressing his nose into Beomgyus hair.

Beomgyu shook his head, mumbling a soft "no".

Beomgyu loved how warm Yeonjun was.

"Good." Yeonjun mutters, pulling him tighter.

"Beomgyu pull away already.." Taehyun groans.

Beomgyu does.

"I'll meet you here tomorrow morning, okay Beoms?"

"Yeah." Beomgyu gave him a small smile.

He turns away, walking down the sidewalk towards his house.

Taehyun followed.

"It was nice having you at school with me Tae."

"You think?"

Beomgyu nods, the wind blows past the two.

Taehyun hums.

"Did you enjoy seeing him? Seeing the others?"

Beomgyu looks over, a small smile on his face. "I did, even though it's different now."

Taehyun looks at him, the smile on his face. He traced his eyes over his features.

He missed him so much, the way he smiled, how he looked, acted.

He was different now, he had changed, and that terrified Taehyun.

He wanted the old Beomgyu back, He was starting to wrap his head around it, the fact he was the one who destroyed him.

He was the reason why Beomgyu was so different.


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