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"Gyu, when was the last time you went to school?"

Beomgyu slipped on Taehyun's hoodie from off of the floor, adjusting his clothing.

"I went a few times after the accident, but only like twice maybe a week or two after, I haven't been since then."

"Are you sure you want to go? That'll probably be a lot of attention."

Beomgyu rubbed his eyes, laying his head on Taehyun's shoulder.

"As long as you'll be with me, I can handle it."

Taehyun sighed, brushing his fingers through Beomgyus hair.

"Let's go then."


Beomgyu sighs, staring at the big twin glass doors, the entrance to the school.

"It's gonna be hard to talk to you in here if nobody can see you." Beomgyu whispered, staring hesitantly at the door.

"That's okay."

"Keep talking to me though, please.."

"Of course.."

Beomgyu sucks in a shakey breath, reaching for the handle before-

"...Beomgyu?" A soft voice called out, seemingly worried.

Beomgyu turned his head, cursing himself for not going in quicker.

"Hey Kai."

Kai Held open the door for Beomgyu, they both walked inside.

"So You're back?" Kai asks, flashing Beomgyu a small smile.

Beomgyu glanced back at Taehyun, he trailed closely behind.

Beomgyu was able to curl his lips up into a small but unconvincing smile.

"We'll see."

Kai seemed hopeful despite the unsure answer.

"My class is here, Have a good day Beomgyu."

Beomgyu watches as Kai walks into his classroom, startled when he pokes his head out suddenly.

"We saved your spot for you at our lunch table!"

Then, he popped back inside.

He was starting to feel really guilty.

Beomgyu quickly ducked into a single stall bathroom, locking the door.

"You okay Gyu?" Taehyun asked, reaching out to him.

Beomgyu leaned into him, his breath shaking.

"You can pass through walls?"

"Yep, except for the walls of your house though."

"You and your ghostly things are going to give me a heart attack."

Taehyun laughed, tucking a strand of Beomgyus hair behind his ear.

"Huening seems normal enough."

"Yeah, I'm most worried about Yeonjun though."

Taehyun nods, listening.

"He'll catch wind of me eventually, i'm sure everyone and their mother knows that i'm here right now."

"it'll be okay Gyu, you need to go to class though."

Beomgyu grimaces, groaning.

"What is it?"

"Yeonjun is in my first period."

The Ghost of You ~ TaeGyuWhere stories live. Discover now