Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Mommy!" A little girl around the age of five cried as she hugged the leg of a woman with long black hair who was faced away from her and preparing to go out an open door from a home. "Please don't go mommy! I promise to be good from now on!" The woman stilled at the little girls words but never turned to face her. The little girl was sobbing hysterically trying her best to keep her mother from leaving. "Please mommy, don't leave me alone! Please mommy..."

The woman never turned to face her daughter. "You killed him..." she said in a hallow voice. She swung her leg harshly making the little girl cry out as she was flung backwards into a wall making a book from the bookshelf above her fall to the ground. "You are no daughter of mine." The woman then left the house and shut the door with a loud bang.

The little girl continued to cry and sob knowing that her mommy was never coming back. She didn't understand why her mommy hated her so much after her daddy never returned when he left a few weeks ago to search for a specific birthday present for her. Her family did not live in a village and instead stayed on various islands as a type of nomad building a home each time they landed that would house them. The island they currently were on was uninhabited and she had no one else.

She looked at the door for hours just crying and hoping that her mommy would come back and hug her but as the light of the outside faded into night, she knew that her mommy was not going to enter through that door again. Slowly, she got up and stumbled to the fireplace to try and get it lit. She didn't have much experience with lighting a fire but her daddy was starting to teach her shortly before he left and so she grabbed the two stones that were by the fireplace and smacked them together by the wood that was in the hearth, the sparks shooting off with each smack. The little girl sat there for an hour before she finally was able to get the logs lit and as the flames rose, the little girls features came into light

The little girl had onyx colored hair that fell around her in waves, fair skin, pink lips, and bright crystal blue eyes and she wore a thin tan colored shirt, a fur cape, brown pants, and a golden armband on her wrist but she wore no shoes. The little girl looked around and spotted the book upon the ground so she got up and walked over to it before picking it up. She immediately recognized the book as one her daddy read to her at least twice a week for as long as she could remember and so she took it over by the fire, sat down on top a pile of furs, and opened it up gazing at the drawings of the dragons on each page and remembering what her daddy read to her about each dragon.

The Book of Dragons is what it was called and while it told of all the dragons being deadly and dangerous, the little girl couldn't help but think of them differently as she had witnessed the one of the smallest dragons ignore her when she was playing outside before. They definitely noticed her but willingly let her be instead of chasing after her and causing her harm though one of the dragons always came back to see her every week as she played outside.

She flipped through the book page by page before getting to the last page that had writing but no drawing of the dragon and while she couldn't read, her daddy made sure that she knew this page was about the infamous Nightfury. It was the one dragon that confused her most with the description of just being extremely dangerous, its plasma fire, and the telltale screech it gave off before an attack. "Nightfury." The little girl whispered as she felt her eyes get heavy before falling into a dreamless sleep.


The next morning, the little girl woke up around noon hoping her mommy would have come back but as she got up, she immediately knew that wasn't the case. She looked over into some crates that were by the front door only to see that there was no food in them which made her stomach grumble from hunger. She couldn't stay inside forever and needed to eat so she walked over to a little cubby and pulled out a little pair of black fur boots and a black fur vest.

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