Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

A month soon passed and Azora had apologized to Hiccup and Toothless for her recent attitude but she still was cautious around Hiccup himself. Toothless had started to actually play with Azora and even went flying with her each morning as a new routine to strengthen her wing more and just spend time with her having fun. Other than her sarcastic attitude, she was enjoyable to converse and play with and today, Toothless decided to play tag with her as they ran through the forest to strengthen her leg up as it finally was out of its splint. "Come on Azora!" He called to her as she chased him through the forest. "You have to admit defeat at some point you know!"

"Not in a million years!" She yelled to him as she tried to tag the tip of his tail with her paws. "I am not going to let you win so easily!"

Toothless suddenly felt a heavy weight on his back and he tumbled to the ground with Azora laughing merrily from above him before getting off. "Hey no fair!"

"You're it Toothless!" She giggled before bounding into the trees making him give chase to her.

"You can't run forever Azora!" He said laughing as he saw her zig zag through the trees and underbrush. "It will be easier if you let me catch you!" He leaped as soon as he was close enough but she turned at the last minute making him crash into the ground once more and once he got up, she was gone from view.

He listened closely trying to pinpoint her movements only to realize something was very, very wrong. It was completely quiet making Toothless feel uneasy and alert as nothing seemed to give away any sound. "Azora?" He asked aloud cautiously but unlike other times where she would call back to him in playfulness, she did not appear nor answer him. He then heard the sound of humans shouting and growling and rushed towards it but as he ran over a hill, a sharp stinging sensation appeared in his neck before he noticed something that fueled his anger and he immediately rushed forward.

Azora was muzzled and caught in a solid metal cage with her legs and wings bound so she couldn't move and while she seemed slightly aware, her eyes showed that she was given something to prevent her from fighting back from the humans that were surrounding her. He was starting to feel slightly out of it himself but he pushed the feeling aside as he noticed humans left the cage door open and quickly ran inside, nuzzling Azora while growling at the humans that were all around them. As the humans stepped closer, he snarled at them and guarded Azora , shooting plasma fire at them but before long, he had no more fire and another stinging sensation hit his neck making him stumble into the side of the cage as Azora whined weakly at him in concern.

Toothless was feeling more and more weak and drowsy as he tried to protect Azora, snarling and growling at the humans until one man snapped his fingers and the cage snapped close before one more sharp stinging sensation hit him but this time it was in the hind leg. He finally collapsed next to Azora, weak and groggy but before he passed out completely, he wrapped his tail around hers and crooned in sorrow as darkness settled in.


When Toothless awoke, he immediately noticed that he was no longer in the metal cage with Azora but now he was in a metal room that had a tiny square opening on the ceiling and judging by the way the whole room felt like it was swaying, it was definitely on the ocean. He looked around more and noticed Azora laying over on the opposite side of the room free of her restraints and ran over to her, stumbling only slightly before reaching her. He nudged her a bit to see if she was alright and sighed in relief as she whined gently but didn't wake when suddenly, a door opened up letting in a bright light and a hulking human figure stepped into the doorway making Toothless growl.

He was as big as Stoick and while he couldn't make him out clearly, he could see that his eyes glittered almost maniacally. The human then started to laugh like mad as a greedy look appeared in those beady blue eyes making Toothless hunch over Azora protectively. "Finally," he said. "After all these years of trying to find that female it finally has happened." He stepped into the room making Toothless snarl. "Don't try anything dumb nightfury. That little female is the only thing keeping you from becoming a head mount on my cabin wall." Toothless didn't let down his guard but his mind was confused at the statement. "You see, that female there escaped me about five years ago though she was rescued by a different Nightfury and she is very wanted by my king. Of course he didn't tell me what for exactly but the fact she was captured with you is absolute gold for me."

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