Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Hiccup ran after Toothless through the forest as rain started to come down and soon came upon his collapsed form in the cove. Hiccup carefully made his way down into the cove before walking over to Toothless' crumpled form and sighed as he noticed that his friend was fast asleep. Hiccup had heard the roar that Toothless had let out and wished that he could do something more to help him but knew that they would need to wait and plan everything exactly. He knelt next to Toothless' head and ran his hand over Toothless' head as the rain and wind picked up. Hiccup ignored the rain as it came down and just sat by the one being who needed the most comfort for hours, not even taking time to sleep as the mood above started to lower down and the sun started to rise.

He didn't know what to think about what he had seen back in his home and to be honest, he would rather would have wanted to see Azora be alone on the ship than what he witnessed. Never in a thousand years would Hiccup have thought that a dragon, let alone a nightfury, would be capable of something like this to its own kind. He shivered lightly as the memory of Azora's screams and pleads came forth in his mind, making him feel nauseous at the thought that this male nightfury had actually seemed to enjoy it.

Toothless suddenly groaned and opened his eyes making Hiccup smile gently at him being awake. "Hey bud." He said.

"Hiccup?" Toothless asked with a groan. "Why are you here sitting in the rain?"

"I ran after you bud. I couldn't just leave you after what we had just discovered."

Toothless sat up suddenly. "How long have I slept?"

"Relax bud," Hiccup got up. "It was only a few hours."

Toothless got on his feet and shook himself as he tried to not get angry at himself as he started pacing. "I shouldn't have let her go..." he said. "I should have seen that it was just a way to seperate us."


"What Hiccup?!" Toothless snapped.

Hiccup flinched a bit at Toothless' furious and blazing eyes as his friend went from awake to pacing in only a few seconds. "I don't know how you feel exactly but-" Hiccup started to say before Toothless whirled around and faced him with a furious expression.

"Don't you try and relate to how I feel!" Toothless bellowed. "You don't have any understanding of how I feel right now! You have your mate back safe and sound! Yes she was captured along with us but she was released along with me! Azora is still with those humans and being tortured! She is at risk of having her forget everything and become nothing but a shell of herself to that ghailan! I don't even know why they even let Astrid and I go in the first place!"

Hiccup watched Toothless carefully as he started to glow with a blue light once more. "Toothless, we can't give up hope on reaching her in time. We know what the castle looks like now and the insignia will make it so we can track them even easier now. We need to just try and wait for Torch to bring-"

"Dragons? By the time he gets here and we all discuss a way for the wild dragons to accept temporary riders, Azora could be lost to her mind already! She only has a short amount of time and all we are doing is just standing around waiting!"

Hiccup grew frustrated with Toothless. "We need to wait in order to do this rescue properly!"

"Properly?! There isn't a proper way to rescue Azora! She needs rescued now!"

"And doing so will kill you and anyone who goes with you! Do you want to have deaths on your paws as you charge blindly into battle?!" Hiccup lowered his head. "Azora may be hurting worse than anyone here but she would lose her will to fight like she is if you would die needlessly as you try to rescue her on your own...she wouldn't want the one she loves most to suffer or die just because of her situation."

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