Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Astrid woke up with her pounding and opened her eyes only to shield them immediately as the sun above her made her headache worse. She ignored the pain as she slowly sat up and took immediate notice of her being in a small boat with Toothless sleeping next to her but no Azora so be seen. Astrid's eyes widened before she looked around her furiously but only saw ocean in every direction. "No..." she whispered as her boot hit not one prosthetic tail but two and as she picked them up, she knew that Azora was still trapped on the ship. "Those bastards!"

Toothless' groan as he woke made her go over to him and as his eyes opened, he saw Astrid next to him and the blue sky. "Astrid?" He asked. "Where are we?"

"I don't know." She told him. "We are on a small rowboat in the middle of the ocean. The ship we were on is nowhere to be seen and Azora isn't with us."

Toothless immediately sat up making the boat wobble dangerously. "What?!" He looked around them and tried to scent the air but came up with nothing. "Why would they let us go?"

Astrid shook her head. "I don't know..." she said sadly. "The last thing I remember was Azora pushing me aside to protect me."

"Protect you?" Toothless frowned as Astrid gripped her head.

"When we were led away by Ragnok, we were taken to a hidden room on the ship and put inside. We soon found out that the king that had ordered Ragnok to capture Azora was there and it wasn't only him there."

"What do you mean he wasn't the only one there?"

Astrid looked at him with a hand pressing against her forehead. "There was a dragon with him..." she hesitated for a second. "A huge nightfury...all covered in scars and blood red eyes, it was terrifying to see."

Toothless reared back. "Was it a male?" He asked with a type of desperation in his tone.

"Yeah he was. The king could also understand Azora."

Toothless growled in anger. "This isn't good..."

"That's already been established."

"I mean that Azora is endanger Astrid. More so now than before."

Astrid became confused. "I don't understand."

"We need to get to Berk and plan a rescue as fast as we can." He gave her his tail after noticing the prosthetics on the floor. "Get the fin on."

"Wait, shouldn't we-"

"Now Astrid." Toothless snapped causing her to close her mouth before putting the tail fin on and getting on Toothless' back. "Berk should be in the southern direction. Hold on because he are going to go fast."

Astrid had no time to say anything before Toothless shot off into the air and shot off into the direction of the slightly lowering sun and towards Berk.


Maaran had paced back and forth in front of Hiccup's home as he waited for dragons to come to Berk. He had found Torch with Hiccup only yesterday and asked him to spread the word about them needing help rescuing Toothless and Azora as well as destroying the humans that make the Draco's Beriah but while Torch was agreeable to the rescue he warned that many dragon's would not dare try and get near the humans that made the gas as it will most likely be used during battle. Torch had asked them to return to Berk and that he would come there in a few days with dragons who would help rescue and try to go into battle with the Vikings against the king if the situation called for it. Maaran and Hiccup returned to Berk this morning with less than happy demeanors at the news that most dragons would refuse to destroy the humans of the Draco's Beriah.

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