Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

After Hiccup and Astrid informed Stoick on what was going on, he had told them all to look at the dock again and see if any clues were missed before they all went off flying after a ship they knew nothing about so they did as was asked and went looking for clues. Maaran was slightly annoyed at being told to look for clues that he knew wasn't there but understood why they were asked to do it. In the morning they all went to the beach area where the crude dock was and started to look around more but it quickly became apparent that whoever the humans were that had captured Azora five years ago, they had gotten very good at covering their tracks.

"Nothing!" Astrid yelled as they all headed back to the village in order to inform Stoick that nothing had been found other than a fading scent that disappeared as soon as it hit the ocean. "Hours of searching and the only thing we find is some rope and leather!"

"Astrid," Hiccup said trying to get her attention.

"No footprints, no scales, no recognizable marks on the wood!"

"Astrid." Maaran said also trying to get her attention.

"What if they are being held and used to train more Vikings?! What if they tried to escape but got hurt doing so? What if-"

"ASTRID!" Both Hiccup and Maaran yelled gaining her attention instantly causing them all to stop walking just a few feet away from the village.

"What?" She asked frowning.

"We all need to stay calm and think this through." Hiccup said.

"He is right." Maaran agreed. "I know from personal experience that letting our fears and worries get a hold of us will only hurt the ones we love even when we try to rescue them." He sighed gently. "I am as worried and enraged as any other parent who has been put in a situation like this but we need to keep level heads in order to plan accordingly."

"I don't understand how you two are so calm about this!" Astrid frowned crossing her arms.

"Because being angry won't help matters in this situation." Maaran said.

"Toothless is my best friend and I have faith that he will be okay." Hiccup added. "I am absolutely furious that he was taken with Azora especially when we have been trying so hard to show her that not all humans are the same."

Astrid sighed as she slowly took in a few deep breaths and after a couple minutes she was able to calm down. "I'm sorry." She said. "You're right at the fact of not blowing up but I just am scared for them. If Stormfly was in this situation I would be tearing apart every place I could trying to find her so seeing you two just being so calm and collected made me snap at you guys."

"It's fine Astrid." Hiccup said as they all started to walk to the village again. As they approached Hiccup's house, there was a squawk and they turned to see Anthia  headed towards them.

"Anthia did you find anything?" Maaran asked desperately but at her saddened expression, it was obvious that she was unable to find anything.

"I tried to fly as far as I could but there was absolutely no boats anywhere I could see." She said. "I'm sorry to have failed you."

"You did the best you could Anthia." Maaran said. "We're going to inform the chief of what we have discovered. You go eat and rest."

Anthia nodded before flying away. "Let's go in." Hiccup said opening the door. "Dad! You here?"

"Yes son!" His father's voice yelled from upstairs. "Take a seat and I will be down with you in a moment!"

Astrid, Maaran, and Hiccup took up a chair that was around the fireplace and waited for Stoick to come down. "Does your father know that Maaran can talk?" Astrid asked.

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