Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Three days went by and as they did, Azora had not left the forest much and had gotten visits from Toothless, Astrid, Hiccup, Anthia, and even Hookfang. Apparently Hookfang was just as irritated at Snotlout for what he had said to Azora once he heard about it and came to her in order to apologize for his ridiculous claims. He knew his rider was a mutton head and a prideful Viking but to say the things he did was a bit on the lower side of even Hookfang's standards. Azora was a bit surprised to say the least on the fact that a dragon was admitting that his friend had been not only wrong, but also agreeing with everyone else to have him punished.

She watched as the teen named Snotlout had to go through his punishment of shoveling out the stables, fishing for the village without Hookfang, clean the mead hall, and even wash everyone's boots. He had one final punishment set up for him that needed to be done but she was not a fan of his at the moment and calmly watched him instead in order to figure out if he was just being stupid with what he said or he truly believed every word of it. The other teens that were worried about the same thing, but to a lesser extent, had already apologized to her by giving her one fish each while Astrid watched them carefully and she could not find it in her to blame them much when they had not been the ones to yell and scream about it in front of her so she just accepted the fish and walked away from them.

Toothless was trying to talk to her the best he could but almost every time, he grew nervous and dashed away making her feel agitated and confused. Astrid was around her the most as Stormfly was busy preparing herself for the upcoming mating season and Azora truly started to appreciate the human girl as she talked about everything and anything that would be. She was glad Hiccup had only visited once as he was a bit more jittery around her than usual so she politely asked him to visit only if he needed to as she was becoming frustrated by his constant fidgeting.

Today was the beginning of the fourth day of being in the forest, Azora had stayed at the cove that she had been injured in but being alone was starting to make her feel nervous and scared. She tried to fish a bit to distract herself from the unwanted feelings only to see the reflection of a little human girl staring at her as the moon rose overhead. Azora swiped at the water harshly and turned away with her eyes closed and her breathing becoming harsh as her heart felt like it was being pulled apart. She didn't want to remember her old pathetic human life so why is the water taunting her? She honestly just wanted Toothless here with her, to hold her and lick her to let her know that she wasn't alone in the world but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel like it was her fault that he was trapped in a mating that he didn't choose for himself.

"Why does the Aadhav seem to hate me so much?" She whispered as she looked up at the night sky, her eyes almost glowing with the reflection of the moonlight. "Am I being punished for deciding on becoming a dragon instead of trying to live a life of a human?"

Suddenly, a chuckle sounded and Azora whipped around as she looked for the source of the sound only to freeze in terror as a figure appeared, revealing Ragnok in all his ugly glory. Azora knew that she wouldn't be able to fight him as her whole body retreated from his being unconsciously as fear took hold of her. "Well, well, well," he said as a sneer like smirk showed upon his face. "Looks like I found one of my pets."

Azora growled at the word and snarled at him. "I am not a pet!"

Ragnok's quiet chuckle seemed to echo around the cove. "Still upset over that name aren't you Azora?"

She froze completely and stared at him after he said her name. "What?"

"So that is truly your name then!" He walked towards her a bit, stopping next to the lake edge. "I thought I heard it when you and that girl were in the forest yesterday."

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