Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Toothless!" A young boy called out as he walked out of a large wooden home that was decorated with intricate dragon carvings. The boy himself looked about fifteen years old with auburn colored hair that fell just below his ears, fair skin with freckles on his face, forest green eyes, he had on a long sleeved green tunic with a brown fur vest, brown leggings, a brown furred boot on his right leg, and a metal prosthetic leg on his left leg. The boy looked around before spotting a sleek black nightfury who had expressive emerald colored eyes, he had a red prosthetic left tail fin, a specialized looking saddle on his back, and he had an innocent expression upon his face as he noticed the boy. "Ready to fly bud?"

The nightfury, Toothless, growled playfully at the boy as he jumped up a bit in excitement. "No duh!" He said knowing that while the boy couldn't understand what he said, he could interpret certain actions. "Let's get going Hiccup!"

The boy, Hiccup, chuckled before checking the saddle to make sure it was snug before hopping onto Toothless' back and clipping himself on to prevent falling off. As soon as Toothless heard the clip click into place, he immediately took off into the sky and straight into the clouds, the sun slowly rising and making them feel warmer in the chilly air. They flew every morning for a couple hours, doing flips, patrolling the island from enemies, and just peacefully gliding around their home of Berk and a bit beyond it.

Toothless sighed as he felt the wind across his wings and the smell of the air around him as they did the final stretch of just gliding away from Berk but soon he noticed something in the distance flying towards them and so he went up higher and hid in the clouds, making sure to make his movements inconspicuous in order to not cause suspicion to whatever it was that was flying. As he glided, he felt Hiccup adjust the prosthetic tail fin lightly and knew he had seen the shape as well. "I wonder what that was..." Hiccup said making Toothless growl in signal to be quiet. The figure's shadow zoomed past under them and Toothless was glad he made the choice to go up higher as at the speed it was going, a collision would have been very bad for both himself and for Hiccup. "So fast!" Hiccup whispered as he lightly turned Toothless to follow it.

They stayed above the clouds but kept up following the figure that was in front but still below them until it seemed to lower itself more and Toothless immediately followed. As they lowered themselves carefully below the clouds, they immediately noticed that they were back near Berk and a scent in the air made Toothless nearly stop flying but he steeled his nerves as the figure dove into the trees on the island and disappear from their sights. 'It can't be...' Toothless thought as they flew over the island and he dove towards a cove, extracting a yelp from Hiccup as they landed hard onto the ground. He waited for Hiccup to get off before pacing in confusion. 'A female Aglovale Helmar? Here in Berk?'

"Bud?" Hiccup asked in worry as his best friend paced in the cove. "What is wrong?" Toothless paused his pacing to look at Hiccups concerned face before gesturing to the forest. "The forest?" Hiccup asked. "Are you concerned about the figure we saw?" Toothless nodded as he continued pacing. "Did you want to investigate? Just in case it's unfriendly?"

Toothless growled at Hiccup. "Investigate? More like interrogate..." he said. "I don't know how a female Aglovale Helmar could even be alive let alone anywhere near here!"

Hiccup sighed as Toothless growled and roared but felt frustrated at not being able to understand a word. He wanted to help his friend badly but knew that if the figure they saw was more enemy than friend, then Toothless needed to figure out what it was first. From the shape he could make out, it was a dragon of some sort but he didn't know what kind and as Toothless wasn't reacting the same way as he did with the other dragons they had come across, he didn't feel a need to go along with him to investigate. "I'll tell you what bud," Hiccup said making Toothless stop his pacing as he walked over to the saddle. "I'll take the saddle off you and we can test out the automatic function of the prosthetic." Toothless started to growl at Hiccup in disbelief that the prosthetic wasn't just a manual one. "Hey don't give me that. I installed an automatic gear just in case I needed you to fly off to get help without me. It's happened before and will probably happen again."

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