Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Time passed and soon three months had passed since Azora had changed and her scales had become the deep black that truly gave the Aglovale Helmar their name but she was not fully grown and was told by Maaran that more markings may appear later. She had also grown used to her legs quickly enough to run, jump, and play with ease though she  tripped over her tail at times when she got a bit too excited or startled. She still tried to things in her own human way but every now and then she unintentionally gave into her instincts and acted just like a natural born Aglovale Helmar but was starting to get better at recognizing herself getting carried away. As promised, Maaran was giving her lessons and was teaching her about each and every dragon that was out in the world in this day and age. He taught her about how many species there were, what kind of dragons they were, what dragons were kings and queens, and what strengths and weaknesses every dragon had. Maaran had also told her about how to defend herself from humans if they found her but she wasn't too worried about fighting at her age.

Today they were near the outside entrance of the cave to enjoy some fresh air and the  lesson was the reason of why humans feared dragons most and why the Aglovale Helmar was known to humans. "We are dark as the night and it works to our advantage in many circumstances. One such circumstance is when we need to hide or even attack humans and, while it is rare for one of our kind to resort to that, it has happened as recently as this year. Though it is odd for this to happen, the dragon in this circumstance has been doing it for two years and while they have caused no human casualties they are being watched by other smaller dragons and I will not intervene unless a needless casualty occurs. We do not willingly kill humans and do you know why that may be?"

Azora scrunched up her nose in thought before shaking her head no and tilting it in curiosity as Maaran smiled at her.

"It is due to a pact dragons had made a long time ago. When the humans first discovered dragons, the dragons could talk to them as they were older than most creatures on the earth. The humans and dragons agreed that they would forge an alliance and never attack the other unless there was no other choice but unfortunately while the magic in dragons made the vow semi permanent, the humans didn't have that connection and soon after years of peace, the humans became scared of our power and strength and sought to kill us for glory and thrill so the dragons decided to hide. The first killing happened when a dragon, long thought extinct by the humans, saved a young child from a wild bear attack and while the child knew what had saved them telling everyone what they had seen, the villagers thought that the child was bewitched to hide the proof that dragons would attack humans by making it look like a bear attack and so the humans turned and started hunting us down. And so the war between humans and dragons began and continued throughout all the years into this day and age." He looked at an intrigued Azora and cleared his throat. "Our lesson is over for today little one." He bent down and nuzzled her gently. "Now go play and I will get us some dinner before we turn in to rest for the night." He smiled at her gently before turning and leaving the cave.

Azora smiled before going to the main cave playing with some newer additions that Maaran had grabbed from the house she had lived in when he came across it one day while flying. He surprisingly grabbed most of everything she owed that was in her bedroom and just told her that it was a birthday present to her. She was so overjoyed and happy to see all her things and books before playing with her favorite stone ball for hours. She was exhausted that first day but when she saw Maaran reading the book her daddy read to her time and time again, she whimpered in sadness and cuddled close to Maaran as he simply nuzzled her and started to read aloud to her to help her troubled memories.

Azora played with a few things before going over to the books and nudging her favorite open and gazing at the pages of the dragons. She sighed at not being able to read it before going back to the main cave entrance but before she reached the entrance to wait for Maaran to return, thunder echoed deep into the tunnel making Azora go into a panic and stumble over her tail before she started to run as her mind was overcome with memories of the storm from months before. So lost and panicked in her memories, Azora didn't realize that she was running out of the cave and into the wilderness of the forest just to find a place to hide as her instincts took over. She looked around wildly in the darkness as she scrambled to find a place to hide from the fear of the storm. It didn't matter if she was in a safe and protected cave before, she only felt the fear and cold that the storm brought and that made her run harder and longer than she ever had before. She was tripping over sticks, getting hit by branches, running into rocks and trees, and covered in mud from falling.

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