Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Toothless had watched Azora fly off and sighed before deciding that she needed to be alone and walked over to the forge to talk to Hiccup. He found him in the middle of making some more tail designs for him and Azora and huffed at him, gaining his attention. "Hey bud," Hiccup said putting his pencil down. "How's Azora doing?"

"As well as she can be after Anthia revealed that Maaran never meant to ignore her submission pose." Toothless said. "Did you know that we can never mate another dragon now?"


"The Aglovale Helmar can only take one mate until the other passes. We mate for life."

"So because of the forced mating, you two are now mates for life?"

"Yes and because it was forced upon us, I am unsure of how to even make it up to her for not doing the rituals needed."

Hiccup sighed. "She isn't your average nightfury bud. She used to be human which means she still has an affinity for gifts that shows appreciation. Because it isn't the mating season yet, why don't you give her a gift to make up for the rituals that were not used?"

"And what do you propose would be a proper and satisfying gift to a female who just lost a father and the choice to mate?"

"Well, when I first noticed Astrid, the first thing I gave her as a gift was her axe though she didn't know it was me who made it. I then gifted her the armor plated skirt and shoulder pads before doing her headband. They were small gifts and while she never knew who made them for her, she always wore them making me feel like the work I put into them was appreciated. You give gifts like that to females on special occasions or when you need to ask forgiveness when something goes wrong."

"That still doesn't tell me what I should give her to make up for what happened."

Hiccup frowned in thought before an idea popped into his head making him snap his fingers. "A necklace would be perfect!" He said smiling making Toothless even more confused.

"A necklace?"

"Yes! It's a shiny piece of metal or leather that goes around the neck of the one you give it to! A necklace isn't too flashy and something she can personally take off when she needs to!"

Toothless thought about it and nodded as an image came to his mind. "What if we made one made of my scales with a gem in the middle? That way the necklace can blend in with her scales and make the gem pop out more to show her beauty off even more than it does now?" He paused. "The gem needs to be one that matches her eyes though as they are the one thing I like most about her."

Hiccup was slightly astonished at Toothless' idea but soon picked up his pencil and started to draw different necklace designs and ideas. Toothless sat next to him as he drew, putting his inputs on what the necklace should look like before a final drawing was finished. It was a widened looking collar type of necklace that was composed mainly of scales that made the main necklace with a gem that was directly in the middle of the necklace. On the side of it, there would be a release button so Azora could take it off anytime she wished but Toothless or someone else would need to put it back on her. The necklace looked like a night sky with just a single star to guide a lost being home.

"It is simple yet elegant." Hiccup said.

"Just like she is." Toothless smiled.

"Let's get to work then!" Hiccup hopped out of his seat and ran into the main part of the forge with Toothless following behind. "I'll start the forge up. Do you think you can get as many loose scales off of you as you can?" Toothless nodded. "Great! Just put them in the bucket that's on the table while I make sure to get the metal and a gem for the necklace." Toothless slowly started licking his body, making sure non of the scales that fell out were swallowed accidentally before putting them in the bucked that was on the table. Hours passed and, while Toothless' tongue was sore, the bucket was halfway filled to which Hiccup made happy enough to tell him that he did well. Hiccup had found some left over Gronckle iron and made the outline and shape of the necklace design which was a lot more tedious than he was expecting. The Gronckle iron was hard to bend into the correct shape without being needed to be heated up every few minutes but in the end, he was finally able to get the shape down and set upon searching for a gem for the necklace with Toothless in a chest.

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