Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Toothless groaned as he emptied himself once more into Azora, becoming knotted for the sixth time after hours upon hours of mating before panting hard as he laid himself down upon her gently to wait for himself to unknot. He knew that this type of Draco's Beriah was going to push him to his limits and while he enjoyed Azora's body, he was getting tired of just mating with her. Dragon's who he had seen during the mating season often mated but they also proved to the other that they were capable partners during the whole season by providing food and care for the other. Toothless wanted to be able to do that for Azora and being here, locked up and being forced to just mate was starting to grow taxing upon his body. Astrid was still huddled in the corner but even he could tell from the numerous times he had glanced at her, she was just as disturbed by the effect the gas had on them as they were.

After a few minutes of silence, he looked down at Azora as she panted just as hard as he was before rubbing her cheek against his own. "I hate this unnatural abomination." He said gently. Azora was just as exhausted as her eyes spoke of weariness and exhaustion even when they were halfway open. "I want to be with you naturally and cherish you with every single fiber of my being. Not forced to continuously mate with you just for the humans pleasure."

"I want that too." Azora whispered. "I'm so tired Toothless..." her eyes closed slowly but the Draco's Beriah kept her from falling asleep as the smell of her want grew once again. "I can't keep this up...I should have just stayed in the village after the argument but I was so scared."

Toothless groaned as he smelled her want but pushed it aside as he was not even ready for another round. "You don't have to be scared of anything." He crooned. "No one who truly loves you will ever think badly of you."

"I need to make this right though." Her eyes opened and she looked at him. "You didn't have to be captured with me. Astrid didn't need to be either but instead of facing this hardship on my own for just a little while until you could rescue me, I had to go to the village and put everyone there in danger."

"Nothing you did was wrong Azora." He said.

"Then why do I feel like it is?"

"I don't know. I can not fully understand why things make one feel like they are to blame when in actuality, they are not."

Azora's sigh told him he did little to alleviate her of her worries. "How long have we been under the Draco's Beriah?"

"I am unsure." Toothless looked cautiously up at the holes but no light shined through. "The light has not shined for a while so we must be nearing the second day of being on the ship."

"Astrid is safe right? I don't remember everything after the first half of the mating unfortunately."

"She's fine. She stayed true to her word and kept herself huddled in the corner so you thankfully didn't attack her though you did seem to sniff her at one point before I tackled you away."

Azora stayed silent for a while making Toothless worry a bit before he felt his knot finally start to subside. "I don't feel the pain..." she finally said as he pulled out and laid next to her.

"What?" Toothless frowned. "Have you felt the pain at all when the Draco's Beriah was unleashed?"

"Surprisingly no." She shook her head. "It made me feel the want, it still does but the pain wasn't there at all."

"It affected me stronger than the last time." Toothless looked away from her. "Almost like this time, I was the one who needed to mate you in order to regain control of my own being."

"I know I still feel the want but it is less than earlier. I feel like I have been satisfied and now all I feel like I want to do is submit to your need in order to make sure your desires are fulfilled."

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