first encounter

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It was night as a beautiful white house was shown as an owl hoots. Inside as laughter can be heard followed by a loud curse"mother fucker!"was heard from the kitchen.

A 18 year old baliey was shown hoping around cursing holding her foot that she dropped a hot pot on she was in black jeans with a green tank top as her now brown hair with purple highlights was up in a messy bun."god damn that hurt and stop laughing Casey!"she yells at her blonde headed best friend who wore a white sweater with loose pants holding her stomach.

Sam and Tara turned to there legal guardian with raised eyebrows"what I was cooking and she jumped up from behind me"baliey says with a huff as Casey laughs from beside her.

"I'm sorry I had to I had to get pay back"Casey laughs at her Best friend.

Once her foot stopped hurting she glares playfully at her best friend "oh shoot up and make some pop corn"she says with a huff before the phone suddenly ring as the two shared confused looks but kept there guards up.

Casey Becker and her best friend Lana were laughing while making popcorn. The phone starts ringing causing the laughter to stop both girls looked at each other before Casey decides to answer it.         

"What's so scary about a phone ringing out of nowhere"dean asked crossing his arms.                                                                                                                                                                           
"hello who is this "she answers picking up the phone while baliey leans against the counter.

"who's this" a mysterious male voice is heard causing baliey to raise an eyebrow for some reason that voice didn't sound normal as she look over towards Casey. Before walking over to hear while motioning her to keep talking as she whispered "keep going and if gets to creepy hang up"she whispered.

"well who are you trying to reach" Casey asks 

"what number is this" the stranger ask confused

"well what number are you trying to reach" Casey then ask

"I don't know" the stranger says causing baliey to roll her eyes at the person.

"well I think you have the wrong number" Casey says with a shrug

"do I " the stranger says

"it happens take it easy " Casey says before hanging up."that was wired "she says.

"Well there are weirdos out there " Bailey says laughing before going to the kitchen to do the popcorn while hearing the phone ring again baliey answered it this time"hello"she asked.

"Now who is this"the man says.

"Someone who's not interested bye"she says hanging up but it rings again baliey shares a look with Casey before they make sure all the doors are locked "you remember what I taught you about weapons and fighting"baliey asked she had a feeling something bad was going to happen.

"Yeah"Casey says nodding her head before the phone constantly rings as Casey answered "what do you want now"she asked with a huff before both girls go alert on what the person says.

 "cause I'm wanting to know who I'm both looking at" the stranger says very eerie like. making both girls looking at each other.

"what did you just say" Casey says acting scared while Bailey looks through the curtains to the backyard but didn't see anything before locking the door.

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