blood bath part 1

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Billy felt chills down his back stareing at the message carved into the wall before jumping when Stu grabbed his shoulder.

"Shit man don't do that what the hell happened to you"he asked noticing him bleeding with Multiple wounds.

"Man you did a number on Stu I'm still shocked he's still alive at this point"Sam whistles as many agree seeing the amount of wounds he has.

"That crazy bitch baliey I swear something is not human about her man"Stu groans leaning against the wall neither of them noticing baliey walking past the arch as lighting flashes making them jump.

"Have you ever thought about making you own horror movie"randy asked I mean she just has that horror thing going on for her.

Bailey just gives him a look since that was a part of her she wanted the forget.

"Man where the hell did this storm come from."billy asked breathing hard as rain started pouring down as thunder rumbles across the sky as the wind howls.

"We need to get out of here man and replan"Stu says as blood continues to pour down his arm.

Billy glares"fuck that man we planned this for a year we are killing Sidney and anyone else tonight"he snaps before a loud crash was heard from upstairs making them share a look.

"What the hell was that"Sam asked as many jump having not expected that.

They slowly walk up the stairs as thunder rumbles as lighting flashes outside as they make it to the second story floor.

They look at each other before they split up Stu going one way while billy went the other each having the gun at the ready.

"Oh come on you never spilt up that's how you die "Mindy says with a groan as these to were idiots and didn't follow the rules.

Stu walks into one room with his gun ready as he looks around the dark room as glass shards were everywhere as wind blows in from the broken window with rain.

"So that's what happened"baliey says as she remembers nothing when she let it take control of her.

"Alright we're at you bitch"he says looking for Bailey as he looks around before whirling around hearing a noise from the closet as he slowly approaches.

"Probably not the best choice to piss her off more then she already is"Dewey says as he and the others share looks having witnessed it a few times over the years.

He use his gun as he slowly pushes the closet door open before jumping from clap of thunder.

"Get a grip on your self men"he says to him self before trying the turn the closest light on but the power was off as he huffs.

He was then shown walking down the stairs as he heads to the door leading to the garage as he unlocks the door as he heads down the stairs as he feels around for the power box.

"Never go anywhere in the dark by yourself man jeez"Mindy says smacking her face as Chad pats his twins back knowing she takes these rules seriously.

He froze seeing Tatums body gone as rain was pouring down as the ground was wet underneath the the half open garage door from the rain as thunder claps followed by lightning.

"Wait what happened to my body"Tatum asked confused.

"What the"he says to him self before shaking his head as he goes back to what he's doing as baliey appears out in the rain soaked as her hair was in ringlets before she disappears with a flash of lighting.

He finds the power box but it shows the power switch still on making him confused before a live wire was shown slithering across the wall as it lowered behind him.

Bailey froze she remembers none of this from that night she didn't even know about the episodes until later on in the years.

She squeezed her mother's hand in comfort.

"That's strange"he mumbled before suddenly the wire wraps around his neck as he gasp before he was pulled up of the ground as his feet kick around before suddenly wire wrap around his arms and legs as baliey walks out of the shadows with a machete in her hand as it drags against the ground as she walks towards her pray with darkness swirling in her eyes.

"We are killing that yellow bastard when we get a chance"dean whispered to Sam as they share a look hopefully when they do sam and her will go back to normal without all the wired powers.

John has tears sliding down his face as he grits his teeth 'that yellow eyed bastard is gonna pay once I get that damn cult as he grips his hands in fist.

"Please I'm sorry"he chokes as she smirks coldy.

"Oh you'll be sorry alright but in pieces"she says coldy before slashing the machete as he screams as his leg was cut off at the bone as blood splashes down to the floor.

"Your a freak!" Jill yells making baliey snap as she throws a knife at her as Jill screams falling towards the ground with a knife in her arm.

"At least I didn't kill my family for fame and inflicted my own wounds you selfish fuckin bitch of a daughter!"baliey snaps as her mother trys to calm her down with the help of the others while the killers help Jill who shakes with fear.

A second lash followed by the second leg being cut off as he screams in agony as blood was puring out all over the ground.

She watches him cry in agony leggles now before literally cutting him in half by the waist as the wire drop his lower half as his guts an intestines hang as the life drains from his eyes as his upper half hangs by the wires.

Stu winced as he watches his death again as he holds his waist he never felt such lust for blood as he stared into deaths eyes when he looked into Bailey's eyes it was like a different her as he and Billy share looks.

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