it's over or is it

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After making sure all her prints were wiped off Sid makes her way back to Baliey as she sits on her knees worried for her best friend before jumping when her shoulders his grabbed.

"Uncle Randy I love you but after something like that happens you do just grab someone unless you want to get smacked"Chad says with a deadpanned look at his sheepish uncle.

"My nephew is right I'm really sorry Sid I didn't mean to scare you"randy says as Sidney waves him off.

"Oh my god Randy we thought you were dead"Sidney says sighing in relief when it was just Randy.

"Is she gonna be okay "randy asked as they look down at baliey with worry before Neil approached.

"I called the police and ambulance they should be here soon" he says as he kneels down beside them as they were all able to breathe since the killers who were behind everything were dead.

Billy glares at baliey with hatred since she ruined there plan as Stu warns him not to fight her after seeing there deaths again.

Soon police cars in ambulances are seen in the front of the house. Dewey was loaded up on to Gurney's being pushed out of the house.

Baliey was then loaded up onto a gurney as they were gonna take them to the hospital to get help.

While all this is going on Gale weathers was giving a story.a close up her was shown in front of the house as the sun slowly rises.

"Really"Dewey asked as gale looks sheepish.

"okay, I think it's going to go something like this. Just stay with me"she says before she is shown with a group of cameraman's following her as she holds a mike in her hand bruised and bleeding.

"Okay I'll admit not my beds moment but I did change after the third massacre"gale says as many give ' really ' looks as she sheepishly smiles.

"hi, this is Gale weathers with an exclusive eyewitness account of this amazing breaking story"soon the front yard was seen filled with cop cars, the other ambulance and corner vans are seen as a few body bags are brought out.

"several more local teams are dead, bring it to end the harrowing mystery of the mass killing that has terrified this peaceful community like the plot of some scary movie. It all began with a scream over 911 and ended in a bloodbath that has rocked the town of woodsboro, all played out here in this peaceful farmhouse"she continues as a slow close up is shown of the farm house where everything happened.

"far from the crimes and the sirens of the larger cities that it's residence have fled. Okay, let's take it back to one."soon the sunrise can be seen over large amounts of trees and landscape as everything goes slowly back before flashes of ghost face were shown.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it wasn't the end"Sam says julting his thumb out at all the ghosts faces from over the years.

Baliey was shown in a hospital room they wanted to double check her vitals and make sure everything is okay as she was on the phone.

"I'm fine Bobby"she says to the older man over the phone.

"So he knew were you were this whole time"John asked with tears.

"Can you blame me after the life I had as a child to my teen years I was built up with anger and hatred"baliey says.

"Fine my ass baliey it happened didn't it"he asked as she sighs running a stress hand through her hair.

"Yeah you can never lie to Bobby"dean says with a sigh.

"What do you want me to do Bobby that bastard feed me his demon blood when I was a baby it's not like I can control it"she says stressed leaning back into her pillow.

"I know and I'm doing everything I can to find out how to help you...
Have you talked to them since you left."Bobby says.

"No and I won't they made they choice it's not just the yellow eyed bastard who made me this way"Baliey says as Bobby sighs knowing how deep her hatred for John and her brothers.

"I know just be careful kid and I'll continue on my research now get some rest kid"Bobby says before they hang up as baliey leans back in her bed with a sigh knowing nothing will be normal now as everything goes back.

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