massacare part 1

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Tatum is seen opening the garage door it was really dark down there.she feels against the wall to find the switch to turn on the light ounce she finds it.light is shown also making the garage slide door roll up making creaking noise.she pressed the button to close the door before walking down the stairs slowly.

ounce she's at the bottom she makes her way to the refrigerator that holds the beer.she opens it taking a few bottles.a close up on the door is seen closing with a creek before it is shuts completely being locked from the outside.

"You planned that didn't you"Bailey asked with a darkness in her eyes as Stu and billy share fearful looks at what was to happen next.

Another close up is shown of Tatum's.back side as she is grabbing a few beers.until a loud thud is heard from a shovel falling. causing other things to fall making her jump"Jesus!" as a cat's meow is heard as it scampered through the dog door.she sigh's before muttering to her self.

"Tatum it's okay"as she closes the refrigerator door arms filled with beer bottles. before making her way up the garage stairs once more she goes to turn the nob only to realize it's locked from the other side.

"shit."she says just as the lights cut off making it look creepy around her.before she knocks on the door.

"hey,shitheads! Hello?"she calls out to anyone who can hear her but when she gets no response cursed silent to her self.before getting an idea she presses the second button which ooens the garage slide it starts opening once more with light.

she walks down the stairs waiting for it to open enough to we're she can get out.but as it gets a small half way it stops confusing her before she tries to go under it.

but she doesn't have a chance as it goes back back making her turn around seeing someone dressed in same costume the killer wears.

"Is that you Randy"Tatum calls out only for the masked figure to shake his head no but Tatum scoff flipping her hair out of her face as she walks towards the stairs.

"I love you Tatum but that was not the best time to be sarcastic"Sidney says hugging Tatum with fear.

"cute. And what movie is this from? I spit on your garage?"she mocks as she goes to step on the garage steps but the masked figure steps in her way looking very creepy.

"lose the outfit. If Sidney sees it, she'll flip"Tatum says still thinking it's Randy only for the masked figure to just shake his head again."oh you want to play psycho killer"she teases not knowing how right she was about that making the masked figure nod his head slightly."can I be the helpless victim?"the masked figure just nods his head ounce again still not saying anything.

"Okay,let's see.please don't kill me,Mr ghostface.i want to be in the sequel"she teases dramatically.she laughs before trying to get past the masked figure who just steps in her way making Tatum slightly annoyed.

"cut casper.thats a wrap"as she she used her arm to try and move him.but he just grabs her arm in a tight grip. Making her struggle to get her arm lose as she drops a few beer bottles causing them to shatter.

"randy, what the hell are you doing?"Tatum ask in shock thinking it was still Randy before a shine of a hunting knife causing her eyes to widen.

She then remembered the training from Bailey as she quickly drops the alcohol as she used her other hand as she tightened her grip holding off the knife.

"I still can't believe you taught them the family business"dean mumbled.

"I at least gave them a fighting chance which is more then you and Sam ever did"baliey spat making her brothers look guilty at how many have died not knowing what was really out there.

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