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A long time ago, back when I was alive, I was in prison. Now, I was new. I didn't know the ropes and I was pushed around a lot. Luckily, no one knew what I was in for. Until someone recognized me from the news. Then, I got starved, raped, stolen, jumped. Someone even cut my hair in my sleep. Which, doesn't compare to what I did.

I was called a pedophile, a faggot, a child lover, and many other well deserved things. Which, once again, I don't blame. My first psychotic episode was when I threw my food at another inmate and I attacked a guard. I got sent to solitary confinement for 2 weeks straight. I ate, shit, and slept in the same place for 2 weeks. But, whatever. I did that to Jared. Exactly that. At least I had a tiny window and a toilet. Jared had cold bricks and a bucket. I had food while he had dog food and raw meat. I should've been locked up in that cell I kept him in. I should've been eating the food I gave to him. He was also half naked the whole time. I threw buckets of water at him so he would freeze. Why can't I have that?

I remember when Jareds mom faced me head on. She signed to be in my visitation and I let her. I deserve to hear what she has to say.

She yelled at me. She cried. She even cursed at me.

"That was my fucking baby that you stole from me and mutilated his innocence. How fucking dare you do that to him! To me, MY FAMILY!" She yelled as she stood up with tears streaming down my face.

"If I could kill you, I would. I wish they would've locked you up in that cell like you did to my baby boy." She continued as she broke down. I kept looking away.

"You look at me, you asshole! You don't get to sit here and not look at me! You need to see the PAIN you caused me and my family!" She yelled. I don't think she's ever yelled before. I looked up at her. The guards didn't even do anything.

"Say something goddammit!" She yelled with tears streaming down her face.

"I have nothing to say." I mumbled.

"Not even an apology?" She asked.

"Will an apology fix what I did?" I asked in a sarcastic way.

"I loved you, Lily. You were a son to me!" She continued.

"Mitsu, I'm sorry for what I did to Jared." I replied.

"Shut up! You don't get to say his name! Do you understand what you did!? Not only did you starve and lock up my poor boy, you raped him! You stole the innocence from my 15 year old boy! He hasn't let a single person touch him since he came back, and it's all your fault! You traumatized him! Do you understand that!? He will have to live with this for the rest of his life!" She screamed.

"Mitsu, I-"

"Shut the hell up! I hope this prison kills you! 7 years is absolutely not enough for what you did to him! You should be in here for the rest of your disgusting life, just like how Jared has to live his." She cried. She left after that, and the guard let her slap me in the face. I got pulled back to the prison and I lived the rest of my days there. Until, I attacked the guard. I got sent to psych. And then maximum security, which I already explained.

I met Abraxsas there. A tall, thin man with grey hair. He was my age. He was my bunkie. Him and I would get in fake arguments just so the perverted guards would make us literally kiss and make up in the showers. I really do mean that. They would have us kiss with tongue in the showers if we fought.

Abraxsas got out a year earlier than I. He had a place to go and he moved into his old apartment with his sister. Once I got out, he let me move in, until his sister found out who I was. She instantly kicked me out, and then him for being around someone like me. Him and I were homeless for a little until my dad tried to be nice. He offered me a place to stay, but I turned it down instantly.

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