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Hi, it's Karma again. Ampora left the room so I was alone with Kieran.

"Tell me about yourself! How's your life been?" I asked as I sat down in the office chair at the desk, and Kieran sat in the chair across the room.

"Get closer! I'm not that scary, am I?" I asked with a laugh.

"No, I'm just nervous and very surprised." He stuttered with a small laugh. He scooted the chair to the other side of the desk.

"Hah, I get that a lot." I replied.

"S-so, I'm Russian?" He asked.

"Yup!" I said.

"What hair color do you originally have?" I asked.

"Weirdly, your hair color. I guess my bio dad had the same." He told me.

"Oh really? How interesting." I said, "how did you grow up? Tell me about your family."

"I was adopted by a deaf family. That's why I talk with my hands a lot, I'm used to signing all the time. I know they meant well but, I felt so isolated. None of them are verbal except for a friend of ours. She's my age but she's deaf but had a lot is speech therapy. She talks really well! She does obviously talk a little weird, because we all do if we can't hear ourselves, but she can also read lips amazingly too. She understands that all I do is sign and doesn't get upset it I need to rest my hands after 24 hours of signing to my family." He laughed.

"Is your family nice?" I asked.

"Yes, absolutely. My siblings do make snarky remarks sometimes because I'm not blood related AND I'm hearing, but don't all siblings do that?" He replied with a chuckle.

"Definitely, I used to get in fist fights with my brother, well, OUR brother. Have you met Nabi yet?" I asked.

"Nope! Does he know yet?" He asked.

"Sadly no, but we can right now! It's about 7pm right now for him." I replied.

"He's in Germany right? I know my history on you. But I never knew you had a sister! Well, it's in your Wikipedia profile thingy, but her name or pictures were never shown!" He said.

"She wanted to be private. Didn't want every one knowing she's related to me, you know? But Nabi, he didn't care. His wife makes dolls already, and she's got a big following on YouTube because of it. So he already knew he was going to be in that type of life." I said.

"That is so cool. Will I meet him sometime this year?" He asked.

"He comes over in the spring! So yes!" I said to him. That's when my dad yelled at us to come out. We got out of the office and he looked terrified.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Your sister read the test wrong." My dad replied.

"Wait, what?? So are we not related!?" I questioned.

"No, you are related! FULLY related! I guess your mom never told me she was pregnant with my baby. Or maybe, she got assaulted after she left and didn't know who she was pregnant with, you know?" He told me.

"W-wait, so you're my dad?" Kieran asked.

"We will do another test, but maybe." He said. That's when Elle and Junji came home.

"So, kids, this is my sibling. Remember how we found out I had another one? This is him!" I said as I gestures toward Kieran.

"I-i thought you had a missing sister?" Elle asked.

"Uh, hi! I'm Kieran. I am the sister, I'm just a guy now, you know?" He said.

"Oh! I didn't realize! I'm sorry." Elle laughed.

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