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Zack's POV

I moved to America when I was in 8th Grade. I knew no English, let alone Japanese. Mitsuki Miyamura was my first friend in America because she was like me. New from another country and knew nothing. It was like destiny that her and I met. Out of the whole world, we became friends. We couldn't communicate with each other at all, since all she knew was Japanese and all I knew was Swedish, but we understood each other at the same time. I called her beautiful by pointing at her and then waving my hand slowly around my face, and then I did a thumbs up. She laughed and did the same, basically saying I was good looking as well. We ended up going to her house one day. She moved to America with her aunt and sister because her mom wanted them to get a good education here. Her mom visited 3 times a year!

I had learned how to speak some English by then, since my parents made me practice intensely so I could do good in school. Our visa for America was going to be up my senior year, so we were only there for 5 years before we all moved back. They wanted me to make the best of it before we had to leave.

Her aunt spoke English! So her and I could finally communicate through her aunt!

"Zack? What a sweet name. You're Swedish?" She asked me as Mitsu ran into the bathroom.

"Ya, hi!" I replied.

"Mitsu doesn't speak a lick of English, how do you two manage?" She laughed.

"Not sure, we just do somehow." I laughed back.

"You two dating?" She asked.

"Uh, no! But maybe in future." I replied. My English was really bad.

"Be careful, her mom, my sister, is scary. She is sorta racist toward non-Asian people." She told me. I just nervously smiled as Mitsuki finally came back out. They conversed in Japanese for a while, and then we just went to hang out in her and her sisters room. Her sister wasn't there though.

"Mitsu, daisuki." I slowly said. That means I love you.

"Suki da!" She replied as she hugged me.

After about knowing each other for a year, and she had finally learned some English, we decided to start dating in high school. I loved her a lot, I honestly wish we could've worked out, but my visa ran out right when college searching was coming around.

Anyway, her and I were deeply in love. Her and I would go to my house and kiss like nothing else mattered, until junior year, we had sex for the first time. We had gotten comfortable with each other, and I had already seen her naked before, but we hadn't done anything sexual yet, well, I did touch her tits once, but that was it! Until then. We did it for the first time.

It was a Saturday night. My parents were gone, and we decided it was finally time for us to take a step in our relationship. Anyway, we went to Japan that year as a geography and history trip! It was a lot of money, but we did it! Mitsuki was able to just go because her mom literally lives there, but everyone else had to get a million things sorted out, and luckily, I was already dating her! So I didn't have to worry about knowing the language, since she was there to guide me. That's also when we both met Adam, her current husband and the father to her kids. He was in my group! Mistu's family owns an Inn, and that's where we stayed, mainly since her aunt was also partial owner, and she loved us non-Asians. But her mother, she hated it. Mitsu just stayed with her mom, as long as she was able to get to the inn in time in the morning.

One night in Japan, her and I snuck out in the night and sat on a bridge and looked out at the city. But you already know how that ended up. The next day, I had to spend the day with our group. Our group was 2 boys and 2 girls. Mitsu and a girl named Tonya, and then me and Adam. Adam used to be a huge metal head. He didn't have the long hair, but it was shaggy and he wore the band shirts and skater jeans with headphones and a Sony Walkman with CD's of his favorite albums. He wasn't exactly mean, but he was a little rude. Him and I got along, but he was kinda mean to teachers and some students.

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