Chapter 22 - The Atlas

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'So we sneak into the palace, get the locket, and we're out,' said Jake.

'Not that simple,' Wren said, stuffing jeans and shirts into her bag. All three of them, her, Jake and Ladislaya, were in Wren's wardrobe that was the size of her own room, packing. Wren slid open the dress compartment.

'Ooh!' squealed Ladislaya in delight. 'Look at these dresses! It's marvellous!'

'Yeah, I'd swap for jeans any time,' said Wren, disappearing into the many gowns and dresses. 'I just thought we'd need a proper gown, yeah? In case we're going to any formal occasions.'

'Like the ball,' Jake said helpfully.

'Like the ball.' Wren nodded. She beckoned Ladislaya. 'You and I are around the same size. Have your pick.'

Ladislaya gasped. 'You aren't even joking right now.'

'I'm not.' Wren took one emerald-black ball gown off its shelf. Gold butterflies sparkled and trimmed the skirts of the gown - it had a transparent neckline that showed off her shoulders and neck - the arms were emerald green gloves. She stuffed it into her bag that had an Enlarging Spell on it and heaved up the whole thing.

'And we'll need a suit for you, Jake,' she said. Jake patted his bag. 'Got it.'

'You came in prepared,' Wren remarked.

'I did,' he said, sounding dignified. 'So, are we ready, then?'

They reached a bay, with ships of all shapes and sizes docked along the pier. The salty air filled their lungs, and the sound of seagulls echoed in the distance. Wren scanned the ships and spotted a large vessel with the a flag hoisted high above the mast. The flag featured a white background with a golden sunburst in the center, symbolizing the power and radiance of the sun.

They'd spent the night hiking through the forest. It was morning, around six, perhaps - and Wren's feet were killing her - she was as tired as a worn out shoe. Ladislaya seemed to be the only one excited.

'That's the Iridian flag,' Ladislaya breathed. 'Pretty, isn't it?'

'Very,' Wren replied with a slight smile.

They made their way to the dock, and a grizzled old sailor greeted them. 'They made their way to the dock, and a grizzled old sailor greeted them. "Looking to board to Iridia, are ye?' he asked, peering at them suspiciously.

'Yeah,' Jake said. 'How'd you know?'

'Kids nowadays,' the man grumbled. 'They yell so loudly that the other end of the globe could hear 'em.'

'We matured, young adults,' Jake corrected him, looking dignified.

'All righ', I get it,' the man grunted, waving them aboard. They made their way onto the ship, eagerly anticipating the journey ahead. The salty breeze whipped their hair, and they watched the port fade into the distance as they set sail for Iridia.

'One o' my ol' friends gon' get you there,' the man grunted. 'Good ol' chap, that Elias. He's a mighty good sailor, so pay up now. Trip to Iridia will be -' the man paused, counting on his fingers, '- twenty-three gold coins.'

Jake gaped. 'You've got to be kidding me!'

'Don't blame me, kid, you goin' to Iridia, that's the cost you gon' pay for!' the man shouted, jabbing his finger in the air. 'Iridia's worth goin' to, see? So pay up!'

'Could we at least get a discount?' Ladislaya asked hopefully, making her eyes round and wide. The man looked at her, disgruntled and said, 'No.'

Ladislaya huffed. Wren dug out her pocket of coins and counted twenty-three gold cons exactly and handed them over to the man.

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