A Man and a Car.

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Harold Hudson, age 31, walked into a museum of automotive history.

He wasn't there as a guest, however, and set his sights on the one thing that had won his heart.

An all-original, unrestored 1958 Lincoln Futura concept car. The very car used in the original magazine advertisement of the same year.

Powered by the very 250 cubic inch Ford V8 engine that was displayed in the 1958 Ford magazine, likewise displayed, in a case next to the car.

The museum, having recently fallen into serious financial problems, was liquidating everything at historically record-breaking low prices.

The for sale sign, haphazardly taped to a wet floor sign, was marked at $1,000.

Taking inflation into account, in 2024, this would only be $705.42.

Little did Harold know or understand that this point would forever change his future.

Three months later; he and his wife, Britney Hudson, were on the interstate when a massive crack formed in the pavement ahead of them.

Harold swiftly hit the brakes and brought the car to a halt.

Something Harold had been warned about by his best friend and mechanic, Darrell Hayes, was that people might come after him if the nature of the Lincoln's fuel system was discovered.

In his words.

"This car runs on gasoline, as any old vehicle. That said, it only holds 2 gallons of gas. I ran it on the dyno and it took seventeen hours to get down to a quart of gas at a sustained simulation of 70 miles per hour.

It has a diaphragm chamber built into the intake manifold to ensure 100% fuel evaporation.

Tell no one else or you'll quickly find out what it feels like to have a target on your back." Darrell had said, fear plastered on his face.

Sure enough, five FBI utility vehicles pulled up and agents detained Harold and his wife.

They were placed into one of the SUVs and taken.

Harold's Lincoln was history as a runaway 18-wheeler plowed into it.

Harold knew, beyond any doubt, that it was set up and, what he heard next confirmed it.

Harold's inner ear RF decoder, one that he used for his job as a broadcast array technician, chimed and displayed retinal captions.

"The hay and wood is burning."

"10-4. Bogey bam. 2 nights ago with stars overhead."


Harold grabbed Britney's hand since they hadn't been cuffed.

Using his thumb in the palm of his blind wife, he messaged her.

"Darrell might be dead.

We were targeted just like he said.

Bogey bam means that our car was destroyed.

Two nights means two black people.

Stars overhead means he's running his light bar the whole way."

She leaned against his shoulder, messaging. "I'm scared." Into his palm.

"I know, sweetie. We'll be fine."

At that, the vehicle slowed and entered a tunnel before stopping.

The agent exited and, a few moments later, they felt a pressure shift as a loud clicking and locking sound made Harold's heart race.

That was their last memory.

Winds Of Fate and Change. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora