Dark Revelation pt:1

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A few months went by and I was holding my daughter, Tasuma, as we flew toward an area once known as D.C.

My father was curious about the old national capital building called the Whitehouse.

He can draw and used to paint, frequently, before being captured.

He quickly sketched the Whitehouse and handed said sketch to me.

When we arrived, the building was partly collapsed and there were signs of explosions from long ago.

Vines grew all on the outside and the place looked like it had been reclaimed by the wilderness around it.

We started searching around the area until Perina said that she saw stasis chambers that were still sealed in a sunken area of concrete.

I asked her to get closer and I noticed that the sunken area was artificial.

It appeared that it was once covered by some sort of metal grating but it was just fragments of rusted steel, now.

I had her drop me off near the opening and take wing with our daughter.

There were places to put locks on the outside of these pods so I did.

After locking the last stasis pod, I looked for any indication as to who might be in any of them.

There were 12 pods and some had view ports, like dad's.

The one's without view ports seemed more heavily constructed but those with the view ports had empty vehicles inside.

I unlocked one of these pods and opened it.

The stasis system shut down as soon as I rotated the release handle.

There was a loud hiss and the door swung open easily.

I got into the vehicle and there were operating instructions.

It also had a massive radio station in the back of it.

I followed the instructions and started the vehicle.

Backing out, I shut it off and looked around. There was a badly deteriorated metal frated that looked large enough to allow a vehicle through if removed.

I proceeded to break it away, one piece at a time, until the opening was clear of excess debris.

I did see that there were mummified corpses in the tunnel but they seemed to have been waiting for something instead of trying to enter the area.

Driving out of the pit, I waved Perina down.

When she landed, I told her that I was planning to bring the vehicle home.

It ran on electric power that could charge while being driven through various systems.

Solar, wind and a quick charging generator that outputs more than double the power consumed by the vehicle at maximum operation.

I hugged her and directed her to fly home and apprise my parents of the situation.

She told me to be careful, to wich I said "Yes ma'am."

Nodding, she took off and headed for our home.

I climbed into the armored transport vehicle and did the same.

There was a red handle on the ceiling of the truck to release the antenna to allow it to stand erect.

I pulled it and turned on the radio.

Slowly turning the frequency dial, I listened for any transmissions.

I never heard anything, so I dialled it to the frequency of my handheld radio and turned that off.

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