Meet the Hudsons.

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I buried my face in her feathers and pulled the radio to my mouth.

There was very little wind that way.

"Dad, over," I said.

"Carl, where are you? I'm watching for you, but I don't see anything."

"Where are you looking, dad?" I asked, confused as to how he could miss seeing us.

"The trail you headed down earlier."

"Oh! You have the high-power optic, right?"

"No. Just the binoculars."

"Use the high power on 50% focus and look skyward," I said.

"Carl. Why would I have need to look in the sky for you?" He asked deadpan.

"Because we're flying in, Dad." I chuckled.

"How big is she?" He asked in a hushed voice.

"24½ foot wingspan. Oh, she has arms and hands, too." I said.

"Well, that does explain how she patched you up...

I got a bead on you, I think. Look out!" He shouted but Perina had already banked to dodge the hawk that dove for her.

"What now?" I asked.

"We kill that plucker! Hawks are too dangerous and are not sentient." She shouted and went into a dive to chase the larger hawk.

We caught up within seconds, I pulled my pistol and fired three shots into the hawk after we passed him.

Just a shrill shriek, no voice-like tones.

"Carl! I CAN'T PULL FROM DIVING!" Perina frantically shouted.

"Dad! She said she can't pull from diving!" I called into the radio.

"Listen carefully. She's holding your legs with her hands, right?"


"Grab her shoulders, tightly, from over her wings and s l o w l y sit up. You're going to save both your lives. Over and out." He said in a stern tone that I knew was his military training kicking in.

I told her what I was about to do and did it. The wind caught me and Perina was able to go back to straight flying again.

"Remind me to thank your father!" She shouted in relief.

"You won't be the only one," I said.

"Stone talons, you're heavier than I thought." She said.

"I'm sorry." I hugged her.

"No! I'm just still getting used to it. If we do this regularly, I'll be the strongest flyer in the world!" She cheered.

As we came up to the tree line, Perina spread her wings wide and we descended to the knot.

"No landing sited..." She started as the door opened.


She slowed even more and flew in just fast enough to fold her wings and let our momentum carry us up and into the house.

I climbed off and hugged my mom and dad.

"Oh! Baby! I'm so happy you're okay!" My mom said.

Dad pulled away and looked at my leg.

"Where did those bandages come from?" He asked me.

"Her leg, sir," I said, indicating my new friend.

He looked at Perina and saw the fresh pink skin where the two scales had been peeled off.

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