Plans and Revelations.

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My parents and I went into another room and my father said.

"Son, ask her if you can go with her to Falco Cliff."

He seemed excited and my mother placed her hand on his arm.

"Yes sir," I said ecstatically.

I ran into the lounge area and walked over to Perina.

"Hey," I said.

"Yes?" She asked, slightly worried.

"Can I go with you to Falco Cliff?"

"You want to go with me? Of course! I'd love to take you with me!" She said, crying.

She suddenly hugged me.

"I was hoping that you would ask." She said happily.

"I wish I could fly too." I lamented.

"Then I wouldn't be able to carry you. I enjoy it, so don't let it bother you." She cooed, rubbing her head against my chest.

My mother walked in and asked.

"Perina. Just how hard have you fallen?" My mother had a smile on her face

"As hard as an autumn pine cone." She thoughtlessly replied, then realized what she'd admitted to and flinched.

"But, you didn't fall, you're right here," I said.

"Should I tell him, Perina?" My mother asked.

"No. I'll tell him when we get back from Falco Cliff." She said.

"I'll tell her after the war." My father said dryly.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Perina. In the past, when someone said something similar, that person never got the opportunity to, as they often never made it home." He said with a somber tone.

"I understand. I remember similar situations back home. Males saying that and then getting taken down by a hawk. I just need time.

I suppose that my only concern is whether you're genuinely alright with it." Perina said anxiously.

"Of course, though I wonder why you feel that way." My mother said.

I was beginning to feel frustrated, not knowing what they were talking about.

"That's what I don't understand, myself.

It makes no sense in the slightest but honestly, I do not care that it doesn't.

Nothing will change how much happier that I am and I don't want it to." She said, hugging me tighter and closing her eyes.

"What's going on?" I demanded.

Perina let me go and changed the subject.

"Will you go with me, to my roost, to get the medicine for your mother?" She asked softly.

"Sure but, I still don't understand," I said.

"Please, Carl. Not yet. I promise you that I will explain everything when we get back. It's going to get dark, in a short time, and we need to hurry." She kindly urged.

"Alright. What should I bring?" I asked, thinking of what we might need.

"Nothing. My medical bag is well hidden from sight and I can carry it, with you, easily." She said.

My father handed me a leather backpack and told her that I could still carry something for her.

"Actually, with all that weight, I'll go ahead and get my booster pack while we're there and we can bring back the lot." She said happily.

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