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I laid down on her back, as she flew, and put my arms around her neck.

The sun had been in my eyes and I wanted to block it out.

"Carl. Please move your arms. That's uncomfortable." Perina said and, of course, I listened.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." I said.

"It's alright, maybe someday it won't bother me. I should be apologizing."


"Well. It started with a bad fall when I was younger. I thought that I had broken some bones, but nothing came of it.

Since then, I've had problems with my neck being touched, even though it's pleasant for other falcons."

"May I look, later?" I asked, hoping to help.

"Sure. Maybe you can break me of the strange discomfort."

A short time later, we landed at the top of a dead sycamore that was easily 200 feet tall.

"Here we are. I'm sorry if it's not..."

"This is amazing. Did you make it?" I asked, unwittingly interrupting her.

"Y-yes. Is it really that amazing?" She stammered.


She hugged me.

"Thank you. I was a little worried that you wouldn't approve."

"Why wouldn't I? I can't make one." I said, looking around.

It looked like a huge 20 foot diameter basket that was filled with soft grasses and other materials.

Perina began tearing part of it away and pulled out an oval container.

It was nearly as big as she was.

Opening it, she took out a black, shiny object that she put onto her back.

I looked more closely and noticed that it had a place that seemed designed for a human rider, including handles.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's the booster pack." She said.

"Why does it have a rider's seat and handles?" I asked, pointing them out to her.

"Wait. It does look perfectly made to accommodate a human.

These things are so old, I don't know that they weren't meant for that purpose." She said, looking thoughtful.

"The machines that made falcons. I wonder if the people's intentions were to be falcon riders." I said.

"That seems to be what this would be made for...

Oh, yeah, can you look at my neck?"

She came up to me and I started going through her feathers.

I found a barb protruding close to where I'd put my arms, earlier.

Going deeper, there was something attached to her skin that seemed to have screws in it.

"Do you have any tools?" I asked.

"Look under the cover on the back of my booster pack. There is a toolset in there." She said, slightly worried.

I got the tools and set about turning each screw.

After a few minutes of this, I heard a click and she screeched.

"That hurt! What did you do!?" She furiously demanded.

I held up the device and showed her.

"This was attached to you. I did not mean to hurt you, Perina, I'm sorry."

She shook herself and came over to me.

"That thing has caused me enough trouble. I didn't know that something was attached to me. I am grateful to you for removing it."

She hugged me but, unlike before, she laid her neck on my shoulder.

"I can finally hug you like I've wanted to." She cried.

I turned my head and put my chin on her neck.

"I finally found you." She said, happily, under her breath.

Pulling away, I asked what she meant.

"I promised to tell you when we got back to your home." She started.

Cupping my cheek with her hand, she pressed her forehead to mine.

"Just know that you have made me very happy, Carl Hudson." She finished.

After that, we finished getting her things.

Once she was ready, she said.

"Normally, I would have already turned the booster pack's switch on and, those handles are the controls.

While flying, I reach back and operate it with my hands but it's a bit awkward." She laughed.

"Oh. There's another compartment with some sort of headgear in it. It never fit me because my beak gets in the way.

It looks like you could wear it, though." She pointed to the area beneath the handles.

I opened it and pulled it out.

It seemed to be made to resemble the shape of her head.

I put it on and heard a voice from the booster pack.

"Falcon rider training engaged.

Please ensure that your falcon's receiver antenna is attached for optimal control."

I looked down at the barb that I'd removed and noticed that she was looking as well.

I pulled the headgear off.

"This is wrong," I said.

"I agree. It seems that we were intended to be used by humans."

"I'll never do that to you," I swore.

"I know, though I am happier to hear it from you." She said.

I put the headgear back on and the message repeated.

I picked up the antenna and put it in my backpack.

Climbing on, I noticed a start button flashing on the handle.

I pressed it and the voice said.

"Your falcon is a tool, not a companion. If you crash, your priority is your own safety.

Falcons can be replaced, you can't be."

I was hugging Perina as this went on.

"No, you're irreplaceable, Perina. There's no one else like you." I said.

The booster pack let out a warning.

"Emotional attachment is punishable by jury trial.

Contacting police...

Contact failed...

Repeating attempt to contact...

Contact failed...

Training resumed."

Winds Of Fate and Change. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora