Dark Revelation pt: 2

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Dad was shocked to see the vehicle in person, saying that it's designed to transport up to 12 people at a time.

I told him that there were more and he sent me to retrieve them.

Perina flew me back and I'd open the pod to take the vehicle.

Everything went smoothly, even if it took almost a month to get them all.

My final orders were to investigate the other pods.

Wearing a powered armor suit that was one of thirty in three of the transport vehicles, I drove to the site and pulled a lock from one of the pods.

I swung the door open and was immediately faced with six suited men drawing firearms on me.

They opened fire but the suit protected me.

When they were out of ammunition, I stepped forward.

"I'll give you one opportunity to explain why you shot at me before I kill you all." I said calmly.

"We thought that you might be an enemy who somehow stole that suit.

Since you didn't fire back, you must be one of us." One said.

I can use that to my advantage.

"My memories were lost and I don't recognize any of you." I half lied.

"We're members of an elite protection team charged with defending the president of the United States.

That armor was reserved for us and we need to prepare to move the president somewhere safe so that he can begin rebuilding the nation." He said.

"What nation?

I've been all over. There are no people aside from you lot, my parents and myself." I said.

"What about the other stasis chambers?" He demanded.

"The only intact chambers are in this pit.

The rest of my unit were all killed by wildlife.

There are bears as large as buildings, hawks that have 25 foot wingspans.

I know, I've killed a few of them.

The Peregrine nulfalcons have been helping me.

They're an advanced species who were genetically created by scientists as biological weapons and combat equipment.

They're sentient and cognizant."


"Look. I'm not one of you. I took the transport vehicles, weapons, ammunition and armor.

All you have are your sidearms and suits." I confessed.

"Are you insane!? Bring them back!"

"Even if I wanted to, I can't. The vehicles are six days journey from here.

I came back to investigate you.

You plan on this stranger taking control but, what is there to control?

I was born in this timeline, not yours.

You relics of a bygone nation have no right to my homeland and I'll defend it to my last breath."

I turned off the safety of the P-90 and opened fire.

Once that was done, I closed the stasis chamber, again, and locked it.

The power supply stayed off, though, just as those with the vehicles had done.

Removing it, I placed the power unit in the vehicle that I'd arrived in with the other power units.

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