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Perina and I were hunting for deer in the pre-dawn hours on my birthday.

As she flew overhead, we conversed.

Then, she saw one.

(10:18 from your position, heading right for you.)

(Alright. Is it going to go past me or over me?)

(There is a game trail, to your left side, that seems to be frequently used.

No clear path on your right and your in a bush.

Most likely conclusion.)

(Thanks, love.)

I waited and waited until I finally heard the soft steps of the approaching deer.

A few moments later, it stopped right next to me as my wife called out from above.

The deer was looking up toward her.

I pulled the Barrett's trigger, imploding it's left lung and it's heart.

It slumped to the ground and, since it lay with its head downhill, it mostly bled out as I field dressed it.

I put it on the cart that my father helped me build and pulled it home.

After butchering the deer, we smoked all of the meat over the course of the day.

Since it was a Sunday, we didn't do much of anything aside from relax.

Elang, Thoth and Mōkin were living in the stump cabin.

Their injuries were treatable but, they could have become life-threatening if left alone.

My daughter sat on the ground clawing a piece of wood.

She seemed to be carving it.

I'm curious to see what she does.

She still has the downy fuzz she was born with, instead of feathers.

From the hybrid's journal, he said that his feathers didn't start growing in until his twelfth birthday.

That's also when he was half way through puberty.

Since Tasuma is a girl, it might be different.

A shadow moved swiftly across the ground and a voice followed.

Two nulfalcons landed on a branch and asked to join us.

We were stunned.

"Winter! Claus! How are you!?" I cheered, leaping up to the limb they'd perched on.

"Very good, son. And you? I needn't worry about our daughter, right?" Claus asked.

Perina landed beside her mother and kept her head low.

"Mother! Father! I'm very pleased to see you but, what brings you here?" She asked.

"Well, our nest was destroyed by a severe storm, so we decided to come here. If there is an area we may claim at the permission of Carl, that is."

We spoke at the same time.

"Her old nest."
" My old nest!"

The two seemed immensely pleased and nodded.

"Very well.

Wait. Who is that?" Claus asked, seeing Tasuma.

"She is our daughter, Tasuma." Perina said.

"So. Our granddaughter is the same as the first nulfalcon elder.

Is this because her father is human?" Winter asked.

"Yes." I said.

"We are happy that you two chose one another.

You and yours are welcome to visit anytime." Claus said proudly.

I ducked my head.


We may have reasons to send human messengers to deliver news or goods to you in lieu of ourselves and would request your permission and their protection from harm." I said formally.

"Of course. In this land, you are at home.

We are the outsiders here and we welcome your guidance as leader, if not yet elder.

We can certainly respect and honor that, not as a request, but as a command." He said, bowing his head.

"Are you certain?" Perina asked.

"The elder has relieved hisself the burden of this land to you as it's native heir.

We answer to you and Perina. No others have such authority.

Should you have any need of our aid in any matter, you've got it." Claus said.

"Thank you. I'll tell you now, so that you aren't surprised by it.

Due to the winters in this region and, while her nest was very warm and comfortable, already.

I have made a shelter over Perina's old nest.

It keeps the rain, snow and wind out while allowing easy access to any nulfalcon.

If you remain here, do not allow your pride to deny you help when you are too old to fly.

I am imposing this on you.

As a human and you, being family, if you can no longer fly or hunt, then your health falls to our care.

That is also a command." I said.

"I... very well." He conceded, though he seemed nearly resigned to die first.

"Also, if you should dive to your death, I'll drop your corpse in an ant mount." I grinned.

"You wouldn't dare!" He shouted.

"I would do exactly that." I countered.

"I won't tolerate suicide as a means of holding onto foolish pride." I finished.

"Why not?" Winter asked, though she seemed very happy with how this was proceeding.

"I'm a human. We take care of family, regardless of what that may entail.

My parents will pass long before you two, so I'll need your support when that happens.

With that, you must allow me the honor of supporting you when you're no longer able to support yourselves.

Please. Do not deny me that honor." I said.

"You see it as honorable to care for those who are too old to do so?" Claus asked.

"Of course. We shall be stronger than any others, for we shall support one another as a family." I said.

"Hmph! Humans have strange customs..." He said, then looked back at Tasuma.

"Then, again, these were the same customs that built the nulfalcon's society." He sighed.

"Alright. I'll not allow shame to befall me when I am in need of being cared for when I am old.

You win, Carl." He said, holding his head high.

He shrieked and flew off with Winter following. Perina gave chase to show them to their new home.

The future promises to be interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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