A broad perspective.

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On the morning that we were set to depart, my mother was looking around at everything as we stood by the old stasis chamber.

We'd made capsaicin smoke grenades from peppers that grew wild in the treeline near the field.

Dad had a stockpile of them to keep bears away.

My mom cried when she saw Harold.

She was happy to finally see her husband for the first time since she'd met him.

We were stocked with food, water, and ammunition.

I hugged my mom and dad, saying goodbye and climbing onto the booster pack.

We headed West and reached the ocean in about an hour.

I didn't know how fast we were flying but, at full speed, she alerted me to the horizon.

I saw them.

In the early morning hours, two days since our departure, white cliffs were visible in the distance.

If only we'd known that it would have taken less time to go East...


In a shelter at the top of the cliff, an elder falcon, who's eyes were blind beyond hope of repair, spoke.

"The young medic falconess returns with her husband.

Treat them well, and do ask them to join me for tea this evening, will you?

He is not a falcon, no. He is one who will bring about a new people.

A human boy of dark complexion, just as the prophecy foretold." He said.

His caretaker and assistant darted out.

"The elder spoke!" She shrieked.

Two larger falcons landed and one asked.

"What did he say?"

She told the two and they flew off.


I was watching the cliffs, looking for any signs that other falcons were there when Perina told me to let off of the acceleration.

I did and she banked to the left, slightly.

"Our military forces are awaiting us. Did the elder foresee our arrival?" She asked.

"I don't know. We should probably continue."

"Yes. They are watching us."

Thirty minutes later, we landed and I was lifted off of Perina who attacked the falcon that grabbed me.

"Leave him alone, unless you want a broken neck!" She snapped.

"We were told to bring him to the elder." He argued.

"No. That is not what I said." The elder shouted, stepping toward us.

"I told you to ask them if they would like to join me for tea later this evening.

Forcefully grabbing him, as you did, it is a marvel that you remain alive.

Perigrina must be very patient to restrain herself as she did.

I know her. She only hesitates when someone she loves is nearby.

Now. Human child. May I ask your name?" The elder requested, facing me with closed eyes.


"Ah, Carl. Then I suppose that your last name is Hudson."

"How do you know that?" I asked.

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