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august 4th.

"Uhm... she touch you?"

He shook his head no.

"Did she try to do anything?"


I thought about more possibilities.

"Did you try anything with her?"

"Fuck no." He responded, very offended.

I shrugged. "Okay, let's just hope she matures up for her baby. If she was just trying to be messy, then we don't have to sweat it. There's more things to worry about. I just came back, and I'm not doing no drama this school year."

My birthday is coming up. Forget her delusional weird self.

Let me stop.

Jacques and I were sitting in my living room, watching family guy, eating noodles and splitting a Twix. I just came back and semi settled in.

Him and Bailey were here before I was waiting for me. I took a shower and we just started talking. I even cried a little when I saw my baby.

She was asleep on the floor with her half finished treat I gave her.

"Man, I forgot we still go to school." He groaned.

I lightly laughed. "Two more years and we'll be free."

School sooooo irritating, but I would never let myself fail because then I would start to feel upset.

"That ain't help."

"Uh... eighteen months?" I tried to save it.

"Better. Low key sound like a jail sentence though."

"School really is jail. I should do an essay on it." I twisted my noodles on my fork.

He smacked his lips. "Essay? You trippin."

"Let's just stop talking about it. It's summer." I laughed.


3 hours later.

"You wanna wash my hair?" I asked remembering I had to do it. I didn't do it in the shower because I feel like I could never actually clean my hair in there.

He rubbed my hair, putting it all in my face then proceeded to smother me with his hand.


I scrunched my nose up. "Not if you doing that."

"Mmcht, you ain't hear bout' me? I'm the best hair washer in the world." He said in a cocky tone.

I laughed. "Boy, no one ever called you that."

"You about to."

He is so cocky, lawd.

I climbed on top of him. "You can be anything you put your mind to."

"Ya boyfr- boy best friend." He nodded smiling.

I furrowed my eyebrows at the first part. I swear he said—

"Okay, let's go wash your hair."

He dragged us off of the bed and went into the bathroom to grab my hair stuff. I just watched him to see if he was going to grab the right things.

I keep them in my second drawer.

And he went to the second drawer. I then watched him look confused at all the products and laughed.

"The hell you got eight different bottles that do the same thing for?" He questioned grabbing random ones.

I went to the drawer and picked up Mielles pomegranate and honey shampoo and leave in conditioner.

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