Chapter 2 - Why should I play the Roman fool and die on mine own sword?

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Your POV:

When 079's simulation competition was over, I expected other challenges to be equally demanding. After all, nobody knew what we could expect, and the SCPs didn't want to reveal who would be the next one to host the competition. The first day was a success, and our team had a superior advantage of a single point, but we knew we had to improve this. With this thought, I went to sleep, and started dreaming about possible terrible trials given to us by people like 106 or 953. Having woken up, we have been brought to the main room by Abel, and almost immediately we have spotted a massive scene in the same place where simulation chambers used to be.

>> Well, dear contestants! I would like to congratulate you once again on winning the previous competition! << 239 grinned, and couldn't stop staring down at us.

>> Is this one going to be even worse than the previous one? << One of the D-class asked her, as the show went live again.

>> Don't worry, this time you are going to enjoy this. After all, my dear friend Dyo's was the one to come up with this idea. <<

>> That's right Sigurrós. << SCP-035 spoke, and started walking next to the D-Class group. >> And for my challenge, we are going to do a theatre play! Or should I say...You are going to do it~ << He spoke these words proudly, while we began discussing it with each other.

After all, this competition didn't seem terrible, and considering how much 035 loved Shakespeare, we have expected something like Romeo and Juliet. However, before that happened, we had to wait for the SCPs to make a decision. Approximately half an hour later, the SCPs had chosen "Macbeth" for us, and, expectedly, "Romeo and Juliet" for the D-class group.

>> At least we don't have to play chess... << Amanda said, as she tried to hide in the group in order to avoid performing in the scene.

>> Why are you hiding? << One of the guards asked her when she went behind his back.

>> I don't want to perform on the scene, there is no chance.

>> Why not? I am sure you would look lovely on the stage as Lady Macbeth~ << 035's voice could be heard behind her, which made her jump in fear.

>> Please no, I am begging you... <<

>> Sorry sweetie, but I see you on the stage in front of... << He checked the computer. >> Over 50 million people live!

Obviously she didn't like it, but there was no backing away now. As Dyo was looking around, he spotted me and decided to make me play Macbeth. After some time we got papers with our plots, and we have been told to learn only some of it, as learning the entire Macbeth in a few hours would be too difficult. Thanks to that, there was a small chance of preparing it successfully, and my main role would be set for Act 5 Scene 8.

We began learning our roles by heart, and after three hours, everything was set, and the show has started. At first the D-class group had to perform Romeo and Juliet, which was interesting to watch, because most of them haven't even tried to learn their roles, one guy got drunk because of SCP-294, and ultimately instead of a drama, it became a comedy. After some time, it was our turn, and we started the play.

Because we were only supposed to play Act 5 of this drama, I felt confident and entered the scene multiple times, due to scenes changing constantly. What's more, we were doing it much better than the D-class, and we could see that SCPs, despite the fact they hated us, were more content with our performance than theirs. Ultimately, Scene 8 has begun, and having taken a deep breath, I entered the scene for the final time.

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