• Flames •

20 2 1

| Agastya |


There's no end to this quest. On my way to find a place where I can seek refuge from the guilt I feel for killing Natasha, a place where I won't get burned from the flames around me, where I thought I'll get cocooned from the world, I ended up becoming fire myself. I'm aflame, I am burning, I am destroying everything around me. And there's no end to it and when it will end, it will all be ashes and this is all because of Lavanya. Whatever poison I utter, the way I talk, act and behave is not the way I ever thought I will do. Even my dad says that I have never been this bitter ever. Especially after Natasha's death, I shouldn't be doing all this but things are not in my control since she left me. I have been harsh on myself so that I can pay for Natasha's death, I have been bitter to people around me because they try to tame this newly awakened fucker in me, and Lavanya? She is of no help. When after seeing what troubles I have caused my father, and when I decided to leave my ways of self destruction, she has again intruded in my life and I can't help but act cold. Lavanya doesn't deserve the good side of me. Maybe that's a sign of God that I am bound to stay like this. Ruined and messed up.
I warned Lavanya so much, to stop meddling around, but despite knowing that I can hurt her, she just.. keeps on hanging. Buzzing with a sound so loud around my flames, making them flicker. She doesn't budge by anything I do. She yells at me with an utterly irritating voice. I want her to give up and make her lose in front of me, but she fights back. I hate her determination and perseverance to the core. Sometimes I think her wings would put off my fire, instead of catching it. I am still finding my way through it. I hate her with all my being. She's so irritating and gorgeous that it's difficult to handle her. Every time she walks into me, I feel uncontrollable hatred towards her. Hatred for her being so distractive and destructive for my mind and heart. Lavanya smells of roses, and now I have begin to hate to admit that they are my favorite. Her bright smile that she flashes on everyone except me, triggers me. Her beautiful tanned skin whenever comes in contact with mine, even the slightest of brush, burns me because it unravels the side, I haven't had in ages. I need to stop her, at any cost.

"Done with the fight or won't you guys stop until you break each other's head?" Vidyut's voice is full of sarcasm as he struggles to walk into my office with a heavy pile of files in his hands. He was talking about the verbal spat I just had with Lavanya during lunch. That woman frustrates me to another damn level. She has problem with each and every decision of mine, just because mine are better than hers. Jealous soul. 

"That's a nice idea actually." I reply, with my eyes stuck on my MacBook. 

"Why are you always messing with her?" He makes himself comfortable on the chair placed in front of me and crosses his hands. I have observed how Vidyut has developed a soft corner for Lavanya, which I absolutely hate. Nobody should get close to her. NO ONE! 

"I like playing around." I breathe nonchalantly. 

"Lavanya isn't a toy. And why are you behind her, just because she took your position?" He asks and largely, sounds like her advocate. 

"Its maybe a small thing for you but not for me." I say as a matter of fact, in a serious tone.

"But you were never unprofessional." Vidyut replies with something which finally makes me look in his direction. How dare he? 

"Who is being unprofessional?" I narrow my eyes for I am astound to hear the word. In fact it has always been me who has not mixed my personal life with my professional life. "I put my points, she put hers. And I get the support. Simple."

"You know her inputs are equally brilliant but you -"

"- She still needs to learn. And why the fuck are we discussing her?" I cut him off because I don't want to fight with him over a nonsense allegation. I don't care what he thinks about me. Love takes maximum of her decisions with excitement and heart which are not good for long run, they are almost impractical. She hasn't come out of her rebellious and 'fiery' days when she was a journalist. She doesn't realize that she is now at a respectable position and I won't risk the reputation of Highlights because of her childish nature, hence when I suggest my plans, the board members and our journalists support me over her and that's not my fault.

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