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“Where are we going?” Evelyn asked as they continued their descent down a staircase that was craved straight out of the earth. With walls made out of earth, cut through with roots that gripped the walls and dangled from the ceiling it looked like Mother Nature was trying to reclaim the manmade structure.

 “You will see soon enough.” Belphegor said, as he walked in front of her. “Patience is a virtue you know.”

“Well that is one virtue that I lack.” Evelyn turned her head towards Asmodeus who was walking behind her. “Will you tell me where we’re going?”

“No.”Asmodeus said, sounding amused. “Patience is something that you should learn, and there is no time like the present.”

Evelyn turned back around scowling and spent the rest of the descend sulking.

When they finally reached the bottom of the stairs they walked out onto a large platform that stood above a large field that was surrounded by stands for cheering spectators. But it looked like no one had approached the place in years; it had an abandoned look to it.

“What is this?” Evelyn asked. “And how is it lit?” She added, able to see to fine details in what should be pitch darkness.

“This is where, long ago, there used to be fights for public entertainment. It is similar in design and purpose to structure you humans had, I believe it’s called a colosseum.” Belphegor said.

“A colosseum?” Evelyn asked. “No one has used that for like 2,000 years.”

Belphegor shrugged. “Close enough.” He said, as he walked towards the edge of the platform and stepped off the edge.

Evelyn gasped and scrambled towards the edge of the platform to see what became of Belphegor, but Asmodeus grabbed her shoulders and prevented her from moving.

Asmodeus shook his head. “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.”

“Fine?” Evelyn asked rounding on him. “He just fell from a how many feet high platform and you tell me he if fine?”

“I told you that because he is, you underestimate us.” Asmodeus said.

“Fine Mr. Big-wonderful-demon, I won’t worry about Belphegor and you can tell me why we are here.” Evelyn said.

“We are here to train you without being forced to worry about prying eyes.” Asmodeus said.

“Up here?” Evelyn asked.

Asmodeus gave her a look that clearly said what he thought about such a statement. “Of course not, down on the ground where if u trip you will not fall to your death.”

“And how are we going to get down there?” Evelyn asked him.

A slow blossomed and slowly grew on Asmodeus’ face as a look of horror appeared on Evelyn’s.

“That same way Belphegor did.” He said.

“No, not happening.” Evelyn said, shaking her head, and trying to inconspicuously make her way around Asmodeus and back up the stairs.

But she wasn’t fast enough, by the time she had taken two steps Asmodeus was already in front of her. He picked her up and calmly walked towards the edge of the platform.

Evelyn glared up at his calm face. “Don’t you da-.” She started to say but her threat was cut off exactly what she was trying to prevent and stepped off the edge. They started to fall, forcing Evelyn to squeeze her eyes shut and slamming her mouth closed lest a scream escape her throat as fear coursed through her. Her stomach contracted and tried to bring up what little food it still contained, but she managed to keep it down.

They landed without a sound and Asmodeus absorbed all the impact of the sudden stop so Evelyn felt only jostled. But she still kept her eyes closed.

“We are solid ground now.” Asmodeus informed her.

Evelyn took a deep breath and slowly opened her eyes to see Asmodeus looking down at her. “I hate you.” She said, glaring up at his amused face.

“It was the only way to get down.” Asmodeus said, placing Evelyn back on her feet.

“If I had known that beforehand I might not have agreed to come down here.” Evelyn said.

“And that is exactly why you were not informed of that detail ahead of time.” Asmodeus said.

Evelyn scowled at him.

“It’s nice of you two to finally join me. I thought you were going to stay up there all day.” Belphegor said, suddenly appearing beside them.

“Evelyn was having some misgivings about coming down here.” Asmodeus said. “So getting her down here took a little work.”

“Sorry for not being all for jumping to my death.” Evelyn said.

“I would never let you die.” Asmodeus told her.

Evelyn turned away from him as a light blush stained her cheeks.

“Whenever you two are down with your little lover’s quarrel tell me so we can start your training.” Belphegor said.

Evelyn scowled at him. “We are not having a lover’s quarrel.” She said.

“Then everything is all right in paradise.” Belphegor said, as Evelyn continued to glare at him. “And you are ready to start your training.” He added, looking innocent.

“Err.” Evelyn said, no longer glaring at Belphegor as she stalled for time. “Actually we still have a few things to discuss.” She said, pushing Asmodeus away from a smirking Belphegor.

Once Evelyn felt that she was far enough from Belphegor she stopped pushing Asmodeus and he turned around and looked at Evelyn with an eyebrow raised and an expectant look on his face.

“I just didn’t want to start training yet, I still haven’t recovered from training with Leviathan.” Evelyn said.

“But I healed those injuries.” Asmodeus said.

“I meant the psychological ones.” Evelyn said.

Asmodeus simply looked at her.

“Fine, I don’t like this place. It looks decrepit and it gives me chills. Plus I don’t have my blade.” Evelyn said.

“I can easily rectify that.” Asmodeus said, putting his hand behind his back and bringing out the knife that he didn’t have in his hand or on his person a moment ago.

“How did you do that?” Evelyn asked taking the knife from him.

“Magic.” Asmodeus said. “I got you your blade and as for your other complaints, you will get used to this place.” He said turning her around and walking back towards Belphegor. “She’s ready.” Asmodeus told him.

Belphegor grinned. “Excellent.”

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