Lead The Charge

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^^^^^If want something to read you should go check out her works, she would appreciate some reader.

And now that my good deed of the day is done I think I'll rest now since it is 3 in the morning


“Ready to go now?” Asmodeus asked, leaning over Lana.

Evelyn looked up from her game and turned to Asmodeus. “You finished?”

Asmodeus nodded. “They have all been eliminated, except for a few stragglers that Lucifer decided would be more useful to us alive rather than dead.”

Evelyn jumped up. “Then I’m ready to go.” She turned back to Acesah. “Bye and practice didn’t do anything for me.”

“That is because you haven’t practiced enough.” Acesah as she and Asmodeus walked away.

Evelyn shook her head. “No, I don’t think that is why.”

When they reached the door Asmodeus paused and looked back at Acesah. “Thank you.” He said to him.

Acesah nodded as Asmodeus closed the door.

Evelyn turned to Asmodeus to ask him a question by was sidetracked by his appearance which she was now taking notice of. “What happened to the blood?” She gestured to his spotless clothes and sword.

“I cleaned it.” He said as he steered her down the hallway, which was a gory sight with blood spattered everywhere and various bloody parts strewn about.

“Couldn’t you have cleaned the hallways while you were at it?”

“No. I simply was too busy with removing the rodents that had decided to invade to attempt such a thing. Besides someone else will be doing that.”

“Well as long as it gets clean.” Evelyn said as she stepped over an arm that had been ripped from its body. “Where are we heading to now?”

“Meeting room, there is still the original problem of the rebellion going on in the town, the thing that caused all this.”

“Then is there a less blood covered route that we can take?” Evelyn asked as she stepped around a large pool of blood that originated from a large meaty mass in the center.

Asmodeus shook his head. “No, but we can go the faster way with your eyes closed. That’s the best that I can do.” He held out his arms.

Evelyn nodded. “Okay.” She said, walking into his arms

When Evelyn had walked to him and leaned against his chest Asmodeus wrapped his arms around her, picked her up and took off.

They quickly made it to the meeting room and Evelyn opened her eyes as she felt herself being lowered. “Did someone clean over here?” She asked, looking at the spotless walls.

“No, the rebels simply never made it this far. If someone did clean here there wouldn’t be remnants of the door all over the floor.”

Evelyn made a face as she felt the wood debris shift beneath her feet. “I didn’t that the pieces were still here.”

Asmodeus turned her around and walked into the room. “Now you do.” He said as they reached the other demons.

“So have we killed them all?” Leviathan asked Satan and Lucifer from the right of Asmodeus, still drenched in blood from head to toe.

Satan nodded. “Except for those we kept, we will see what kind of information we can get out of them and Vassago about rebels plans and their holding in the town.”

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