~chapter 1~ fish out of water

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Reluctantly, she propelled her body upwards, breaking through the water's surface and entering the realm she had been forbidden to explore. As her eyes adjusted to the surroundings, she couldn't help but be mesmerised by the moon's radiant glow dancing upon the rippling waves. With a mixture of trepidation and excitement, she cautiously lifted her gaze above the water, revealing a panoramic view of a bustling city and majestic ships gracefully navigating the distant waters.

A barely perceptible sneer played on her face as she directed her attention towards the city. The repugnant sounds that filled the air were a stark reminder of the foulness that plagued the entire place. Her mother's stories about Driftmark and its ruler, a lord who claimed mastery over the tides, echoed in her thoughts. The idea of a human assuming such a grandiose title irked her, but she knew she had to present herself in the best possible light if she wanted their assistance

As she ascended towards the surface, her head emerged completely from the water, revealing her full face to the world above. She did so with a hint of reluctance, as if she was not quite ready to leave the cool embrace of the water behind.

Her face stung from the heat, her gills throbbing with discomfort as she struggled to see clearly. The sensation of cold shivers creeping up her spine made her long to plunge back into the soothing embrace of the deep, dark waves

her mind scanned through her thoughts over and over again, trying to find an excuse not to go not land, she looked back at the ocean waves before looking at the shore, hse had to do this, she knew she had no choice but what if it would be all for nothing, but it was her duty and she couldn't stay in the water forever.

The water seemed to stretch endlessly before her, but she was settled to reach the safety of the shore. Stroke by stroke, she heaved herself forward, her body growing weary with each passing moment. Finally, she reached her destination and sought safety under the shelter of a dock. The rough wood provided a stark contrast to the coolness of the water, and she relished in the momentary peace. As she emerged from her aquatic form, she felt a wave of pride. She had conquered the waves and arrived on the dry sand.

The sand's unwelcome presence in her gills and scales was something she despised wholeheartedly. Her tail whipped back and forth in a frenzy, as if engaged in a battle against the discomfort, desperately seeking relief.

The transformation became an even more excruciating experience, courtesy of the biting coldness that enveloped the night air. With every breath, the freezing atmosphere seemed to penetrate deeper into her bones, intensifying the already unbearable pain. The icy touch of the night air served as a constant reminder of the harsh reality, making the transformation an agonising journey through the depths of her suffering.

With a sickening snap, the air filled with the sound of flesh being torn apart. Her tail split right down the middle, leaving behind a jagged slice. As if in a grotesque transformation, the skeletal structure inside her began to contort, while her once grey scales appeared as if they were melting away, transforming into a liquid-like fabric. Slowly, she wriggled her upper body out of the discarded tail, shedding it like a snake sheds its skin. As her gills closed, emitting a similar sound of tearing flesh, her hand started to change shape. The webbed fingers transformed back to their normal state, allowing her to use them to drag her limp body further under the safety of the dock.

She looked at her new body and she hated it. she hated humans, she hated everything about them, the way they looked, the way they talked, the way they smelt, she found it repulsive.

Completely exposed, she resembled a newborn, her bare skin glistening under the glowing moons embrace. Casting a cautious glance around, she cautiously manoeuvred herself towards the right side of the deck. Amidst the hustle and bustle of a few workers loading cargo onto the nearby ships, she caught snippets of their hushed conversations. With a soft hiss, she instinctively retreated from the edge of the deck, poised to pounce on the unsuspecting voices. Curiosity getting the better of her, she leaned over the dock's edge, only to discover a barrel before her, concealing a pristine white sheet.

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