~chapter 8~ instincs

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For four consecutive days, Ryis had remained within the confines of the red keep, managing to avoid any encounters with water. Surprisingly, the king had stopped locking her chamber doors as a precautionary measure, much to the dismay of the queen who had vehemently protested against this decision.

Each night, Jace would stealthily enter through her door, determined to impart the gift of literacy upon her. With each passing day, she grew more adept at reading, gradually unravelling the mysteries of the written word. Not only that, but her transformation was remarkable.

She began to converse fluently, stringing together coherent sentences without a hint of hesitation. It was as if she had been a part of the human world all along, seamlessly blending in with those who had spent their lives on solid ground

When the boys began their training, she fearlessly jumped right in, leaving them in her dust. It was clear that she had a natural talent for combat and hunting, progressing at a remarkable pace. Not only did she excel in her own training, but she also took the time to lend a helping hand to the boys. Viserys found this amusing, amused by her ability to effortlessly surpass the boys. However, the queen didn't share his amusement and perhaps saw it as a threat.

Despite Ryis' attempts to be courteous and respectful, the queen's unfounded aversion towards her persisted. It was a frustrating situation for Ryis, who couldn't understand why the queen seemed to hold such a negative opinion of her. Nevertheless, Ryis continued to conduct herself with grace and dignity, hoping that one day the queen's feelings towards her would change.

the night seemed to stretch on endlessly as Ryis eagerly awaited Jace's arrival. Her heart fluttered with a mixture of anticipation and affection, for Jace had become an integral part of her life. He had managed to weave himself into the very fabric of her being, becoming someone she held close to her heart. As she lay awake, she couldn't help but reflect on the profound connection they shared and the immense joy he brought into her life.

just as she was on the brink of drifting off to sleep, a sudden knock on the door jolted her awake. With a rush of anticipation, she hurried to answer it, pulling Jace inside with eager enthusiasm.

"Ouch, I always forget how strong you are," Jace winced, massaging his arm where she had grabbed him.

"Sorry, Jace, I was excited," Ryis apologised, swiftly taking the book from his grasp. The room was filled with a sense of energy as Ryis eagerly flipped through the pages of the book, her curiosity piqued. Jace watched her with a fond smile, grateful for her infectious enthusiasm.

She ran over to the table where they study and opened the book to where they had left it last night. The book they were reading was from the library. It was about sirens and their quality and history.

Ryis hated history but she liked Jace and Jace liked it so she would try to like them too. She flicked open to the page they left off and Jace sat next to her at the desk

Jace gestured with his finger towards the sentence, silently urging her to begin reading.

"Start here," he instructed, prompting Ryis to comply and delve into the text.

Without hesitation, Ryis followed Jace's guidance and began to read the words laid out before her. The simple act of pointing had set the wheels of discovery in motion, leading them both on a journey through the written word.

"The sirens are social creatures who can't be alone for a long time, sirens have a history of coming onto land and becoming friends with humans" Ryis read slowly, trying to pronounce every word correctly

"Very good Ryis" Jace celebrated.

"Can we not read now? I just want to ask you something" Ryis asked, closing the book.

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