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The day on Earth was truly dreadful. There was a foolish plan in motion to bring an end to all problems by recklessly approaching the sun. However, both Mercury and the Moon strongly opposed this idea. Earth was hurtling towards the sun at an astonishing speed of millions of miles per hour.

Earth we can find a resolution!" Moon exclaimed, pursuing Earth. Earth glanced back, his eyes welling up with tears that threatened to spill over like a cascading waterfall, yet he fought to hold them back. "Moon, stay away! I am unworthy of your presence, and I must put an end to this!" he cried out. Mercury shook his head and joined the pursuit. "It doesn't have to conclude in this manner! There is a way out!" Mercury called out. He harbored a certain disdain for Earth's arrogance, but couldn't help but feel a sense of concern for him as well. "I have gone too far, Mercury! Apologies are futile now! I must bring this to an end so that no one else has to endure my foolishness." Earth frowned and continued onward.

Moon despised witnessing Earth in such a state. Moon was constantly present, encircling him on a daily basis, providing a habitat for the inhabitants to flourish. However, Moon remained oblivious to the fact that Earth's surface was being contaminated. Suddenly, Earth halted just before departing the Goldilocks zone. Slowly turning around, Earth displayed a faint smile accompanied by sorrowful eyes. "This was never intended," Earth whispered softly, his voice barely audible. Moon and Mercury breathed a sigh of relief, yet were perplexed by Earth's words. It was not until Mercury comprehended that Earth had made a decision. "Earth!" Mercury exclaimed as Earth turned around and continued onward, venturing beyond the Goldilocks zone.

In a matter of seconds, the mesmerizing dark blue hue of Earth transformed into a gentle shade of brown, while the once vibrant green patches of land turned into a deep brown. The essence of life, the colors that defined existence, were now gone. Earth suppressed a scream, not wanting to alarm anyone, but tears of sorrow streamed down his surface. With a feeble smile, he embraced the blur that clouded his vision and surrendered to the overwhelming emotions, closing its weary eyes. As Earth bid farewell, the Moon shed a tear, and Mercury stood in disbelief.

Moon's voice trembled with emotion as he cried out, "Earth!" Tears welled up in his eyes as he held onto the planet tightly, desperately hoping for a response. "Please, this isn't funny anymore! Earth, please wake up," Moon pleaded, his voice filled with anguish. Mercury observed the scene with a deep frown, slowly making his way closer. Sun, on the other hand, watched silently, refraining from making any jokes or acting erratically. He simply wanted to mourn and feel the weight of the situation. Tears of gold formed in Sun's round eyes, unable to comprehend that he had inadvertently brought about Earth's demise with a mere touch of sunlight.

Sun's shrill voice was muffled by the sobs of Moon and the feeble voice echoing in Sun's mind. Tears streamed down Sun's face, mirroring the sorrow within. Sun was overwhelmed by a profound sense of guilt, feeling utterly wretched.

Meanwhile, Mars and Venus engaged in a game of cards while discussing the Earth's stubbornness. They couldn't help but glance towards the Earth's expected location, only to find him absent. "That's peculiar. Has Earth finally decided to defy the norms?" Mars playfully quipped, a mischievous smile adorning his face. Venus, momentarily diverting his attention from the cards, looked up at Mars. He let out a sigh, clearly uninterested in discussing Earth, especially after feeling manipulated. "Perhaps he did, because he's a fool. Why did you have to bring him up anyway?" Mars offered a faint smile. "It's just... It feels strange not seeing him in his usual place or hearing his voice," he confessed. Venus glared at Mars and dropped the cards in disappointment. "You shouldn't dwell on that imbecile. Lately, he's been insufferably arrogant, claiming to be 'special'. Let's just ignore him for now," he muttered, his anger simmering slightly.

Before they continued to engage in a minor argument, a cry of anguish pierced the air. "Earth!" The voice exclaimed. The two planets exchanged confused glances. "Isn't that Earth's moon?" Mars inquired, his gaze shifting downwards as he lowered his playing cards. "Yes, and... Mercury," Venus responded with a quiet growl. Mars let out a sigh. "Who is that other planet? He appears lifeless," he added, squinting his eyes in an attempt to see more clearly. Faint whispers of "Wake up! Please wake up! Mercury, help!" could be heard. Mars and Venus were both perplexed until they suddenly realized the truth after this desperate cry. "EARTH!" Moon shouted as he nudged Earth. Mars' eyes widened and he dropped his cards. Venus was equally shocked. Earth's demise was not something they wished for. No, Earth did not deserve that fate, but perhaps a lesson was necessary. Not death. No.

Mars and Earth have maintained a friendship ever since their inception within this solar system. However, due to a disagreement, they have chosen to disregard one another. Mars was aware that this would lead to unfavorable outcomes, yet he chose to overlook the potential consequences. He regretted engaging in a dispute with Earth, particularly because of his remark about the "Moon's place." Mars understood Earth's susceptibility to jealousy and his own insecurities, which ultimately caused him to shed tears. Venus, too, had tears welling up in his eyes, but he resisted allowing them to fall.

The news of Earth's demise spread rapidly, evoking a profound sense of sadness. Titan, although feeling remorseful, found solace in the successful accomplishment of the moon revolution's objective, resulting in Earth facing the consequences. However, upon achieving their goal, they remained devoid of any emotions whatsoever. Absolutely nothing.

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