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Siyni and Mars appeared to have developed a strong bond since Siyni's formation as a new planet within the solar system. Today, Siyni intended to inform Mars about its intention to explore the possibility of sustaining life. "Mars! Mars?" Siyni called out, scanning the surroundings for Mars. Growing impatient, Siyni decided to seek assistance from Moon. "Moon, where can I find Mars?" Siyni inquired upon spotting Moon in the distance. Moon glanced over and smirked subtly. "Well, he went off to engage in a card game session with Venus," Moon replied in a hushed tone. Siyni's expression slightly soured, but he still nodded in acknowledgment. "I understand, thank you, Moon," Siyni expressed gratitude before embarking on a search for the two.

Siyni circled around aimlessly until he finally stumbled upon Mars and Venus. "Greetings, Mars! Greetings, Venus!" he called out with a faint smile as he approached them. Venus and Mars turned their attention towards Siyni, their curiosity piqued. "Is there something you need?" Mars asked, his gaze softening. Siyni nodded and floated over, taking a seat beside Venus who seemed initially reluctant but eventually ignored it. "Then go ahead and ask... Before I decide to chase you around, you fool," Venus hissed in a threatening tone. "Alright, alright!" Siyni mumbled, feeling a bit alarmed. "I heard that there was a habitable planet before me, and I want to try and discover life there!" he announced. Mars was so shocked that he accidentally dropped his cards, while Venus blinked in disbelief. ".. If you do find life, don't consider yourself special," Venus muttered. "But aren't-" Siyni was interrupted by Venus's hiss. "Don't bring that up right now. Venus may not be pleased, but I apologize for his behavior," Mars apologized and reassured Siyni. "Well, I suppose I'll just leave then," Siyni frowned and turned away, about to float away.

Siyni bid farewell with a nod before returning to his orbit, ensuring that Sun refrained from unleashing a solar flare. He would revolve around the Sun for a short while, akin to a planet, but his interest waned quickly

After awhile Mercury being the sneaky planet he is manages to sneak up on Siyni. "Boo!" Mercury chuckled which made Siyni jump. "Well you got me that time, Mercury!" Siyni laughed and his gaze softening. "Can you read me a story or a poem again today?" Mercury pleaded with puppy dog eyes. Siyni sighed and shook his head. "Alright, alright. This is about a mythical planet far away." He explained.

"A mythical planet,
Far, far away
From our solar system,
And maybe universe,
Thrived alone
With peace and quiet.

Apparently habitable,
With deadly and pretty animals
Roaming its surface
Like ants.

Beautiful light blue color,
And golden copper across the base,
Made it even more interesting.

In fact, before I was here,
A planet called Earth
Said it was named
By the Earthlings in the 1700s.

'Hidden Mystery,'
Because no one traveled there,
No one dared,
Or they would be dead
By the time they reached."

Siyni completed the poem/story, leaving Mercury in a state of astonishment. "How are you acquainted with Earth?" Mercury inquired, his voice tinged with disbelief. "I was informed of his identity. Although I am not familiar with him personally, the Sun enlightened me about his association with the Earthlings," Siyni clarified, hoping to convey some understanding.


Author's Note:

Hello everyone, MuiTea573 here with some assistance! This particular chapter is shorter due to the early hour. It's currently 7 AM, and I began writing at around 5 AM. I would greatly appreciate any additional ideas from all of you, as I am currently at a loss.

Before I go I will leave you a poem!

Earth, a vital planet,
Gives us all we need,
Life flourishes in its embrace,
From the air we breathe,
To the water we drink,
Earth sustains us,
A precious gift indeed.

-MuiTea573 Out!

-652 Words

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