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Greetings, my friends! I have returned! I have made the decision to proceed with Chapter 5 ahead of schedule, simply because why not? I am pleased to inform you that my cold is gradually subsiding, allowing me to increase my posting frequency to two chapters per day! Isn't that wonderful news? In our previous installment, we witnessed Jupiter and Saturn receiving some of their moons as Christmas presents. Now, let us delve into the next exciting chapter!


The Sun attempted to don a Christmas hat, but it continuously slipped off due to the intense heat. Despite feeling a bit irritated, the Sun maintained a cheerful smile. Observing Jupiter and Saturn engaging in conversation with their respective moons, the Sun couldn't help but chuckle as they adorned them with comical Christmas deer antlers or a red nose. "Hey Mercury!" the Sun called out with a joyful expression. Mercury, feeling a bit flustered, turned around slowly and responded in a soft voice, "Y-Yes?" Curiosity piqued, the Sun snickered quietly and asked, "What does the snowman say to the other snowman?" Mercury, feeling a mix of nervousness and amusement, mumbled, "Uh... I don't know?" The Sun burst into laughter and exclaimed, "Hey, do you smell carrots?" Mercury, initially taken aback, chuckled and acknowledged, "That's a good one." With a smile, he bid farewell and continued on his orbit.

Mercury made the decision to pay a visit to Siyni, but during his journey, he unexpectedly encountered Venus. Mercury's smile turned nervous as he addressed Venus, "Be more careful, you little troublemaker!" Venus shouted, his eyes narrowing at the smaller planet in front of him. Mercury hesitated and let out a sigh, only to find himself being chased by Venus right away. "SIYNI! This furious deity is pursuing me!" Mercury exclaimed as soon as he caught sight of Siyni in his peripheral vision. "I am not a deity!" Venus hissed. Mercury was breathless, and out of nowhere, Siyni appeared right there. "Oh, come on... You know Mercury is correct. You are the deity of beauty-" Siyni playfully teased, but was immediately silenced by Venus's clenched teeth.

Moon and Mars observed the commotion unfolding before them. Meanwhile, Venus had shifted her attention to Siyni, while Mercury simply observed from the sidelines. Mercury positioned himself near Moon and Mars. "Quite chaotic, wouldn't you agree?" Mars muttered. Both Moon and Mercury nodded in agreement. "This situation feels oddly familiar," Moon remarked. Mercury felt a bead of sweat forming on his forehead as he averted his gaze. He knew exactly what Moon was referring to. "Are you thinking about Earth?" Mercury cautiously interjected. Mars and Mercury exchanged frozen glances. "Now that you mention it, yes... Siyni does remind me of Earth. It's also the first time Venus has become more talkative around Siyni," Mars added, directing his gaze towards the two. Siyni was playfully teasing Venus, causing him to blush uncontrollably. "You're an idiot! That's absurd!" Venus snapped back.

The trio (Mars, Moon, and Mercury) observed, sharing subdued laughter over the unwavering nature of the pair.


The conclusion of Chapter 5 marks the end of an enjoyable and amusing journey! As we move forward, Chapter 6 holds the potential for an intriguing twist. Should we explore Moon's discovery of Siyni's true nature, or perhaps delve into the drama that would ensue if Venus were to uncover the truth? I invite you to share your preference and let me know which direction you would like the story to take.  

Chapter 6: Venus discovering Siyni's true nature 


Chapter 6: Moon's revelation about Siyni

Have a good day! Here is the poem of the day.

Sicknesses spread out
Around quickly just like COVID
Can it happen again?

-MuiTea573 OUT!

-621 Words

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