Chapter One

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Jake POV
I've always been secretly gay. None of the band members know it. I have a major crush on Jinxx, but I know he isn't gay. He likes girls. Those beautiful piercing blue eyes of his. And his laugh, oh his laugh it's so wonderful. His smile, his personality, his everything. He is love. And it kills me inside knowing that I can't have him. I sat down on the couch of the tour bus hoping no one would bother me. I wanted to be left alone today. But oh forbid I actually get some alone time.
"Hi Jake" Jinxx said as he grabbed a monster from the fridge. 'Of course it would be him to bother me' I thought to myself as I replied.
"Hey Jinxx" I said as I looked down at my hands.
"Something wrong Jake?"
"No nothing I'm fine" he sat down next to me and placed and arm around me. I tried not to shiver.
"You sure? You seem like you have something on your mind"
'Oh no nothing besides the fact that I'm in love with you and you will never know it and it kills me inside!' I thought.
"Just tired dude. Hardly slept last night"
"Alright dude I'll take your word for it" he said moving his arm.
"I'm gonna shower now" I said standing up and walking towards the bunk. I grabbed some clothes to change into and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the water to let it warm up and started undressing. I stepped into the shower and bathed. I stayed under the warm water until CC knocked on the door and rushed me out.
"Hurry Jake we're stopping in 20 minutes!" He yelled. I groaned and turned off the shower. I quickly got dressed but I didn't have a shirt on. I dried my hair with a towel and walked out with basketball shorts on. CC stared at me in awe, but I didn't acknowledge it. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottled water. Ashley grabbed one too and threw it at CC
"Here you look thirsty" he said smirking. CC rolled his eyes and laughed. I took a sip of my water and sat on the recliner. I didn't pay attention to all the background noise going on until we were 10 minutes from the stop. I slipped on a shirt and waited for us to reach the hotel. This should be a long weekend sharing a room with Jinxx.

Cold Blue Eyes and Beautiful White Lies (Janxx)Where stories live. Discover now