Chapter Five

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-Possible Smut warning-

Jinxx had his arm around me as we went into the room. He sat on the bed.. Wait a minute. A one room bed, huh, strange. I sat next to him as we both took off our shoes. We both looked at each other leaning towards one another. Our lips met as Jinxx sat me on his lap as I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance. He granted and we fought for dominance until I finally won, we both explored each other's mouths. I gently pushed him on the bed kissing his neck, quickly finding his sweet spot he let out a moan, I began sucking on it as he tilted his head giving me more space, then I snapped. 'I like Jake' I thought but didn't find myself stopping what I was doing. I pulled Jinxx's shirt off kissing his chest. I kissed down to his pants as he continued to moan. He flipped us over grinding against our pants as we both let out short steady moans. Andy must've heard it too as he banged on the wall. I groped Jinxx through his pants as I started unbuttoning his pants. He whispered under his breath
"CC... Stop" he moaned. I didn't stop. I couldn't stop. I pulled down his pants as I groped him through his boxers.
"CC Stop!" He said loudly and I still didn't stop. He pushed me off putting his pants on. I stood up and pushed him against the wall. He started tearing up.
"CC.. Please..stop" he cried as I began pulling down his pants again. Then I stopped. I started crying as I looked down at my hands.
"I...I'm sorry Jinxx" I said as I walked out the door without a shirt on. I went towards Jake's room. I didn't knock because the door was open a crack. I peeked in to see a half naked girl on a half naked Jake making out as Jake began to pull off her bra. I quickly walked off before they saw me as I began walking around the halls. I ran my head through my hair thinking of all the negative. My throat began to swell as I felt tears stream down my face. I practically molested my best friend, and now I catch the man I really love making out with some random girl he found in the lobby. I walked to Andy's and Ashley's room knocking, but hearing the bed squeaking so I knew they wouldn't answer. I walked toward the elevators as they said
'Convenient' I thought to myself as I headed toward the stairwell. Little did I know that it was slippery as I began walking downstairs. Slipping on my third step I rolled down the stairs in agonizing pain. I called for help as the pain caused me to pass out.

Cold Blue Eyes and Beautiful White Lies (Janxx)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon