Chapter Two

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Jinxx POV
I laughed at what Ashley said about CC being thirsty. We all knew he liked Jake, he told us. Then the bus slowed down. We arrived at the hotel. Close to the end of our tour and I'm craving tacos. I share a room with Jake this stop and I helped him get his luggage down.
"Thanks" he said as he struggled with some of his stuff. We walked towards the elevator and up to the suite floor.
"Room 25C" Jake told me as we walked down the hall. We stopped in front of our door and I took the key out of my pocket. We walked in and set our stuff down.
"There's only one bed" Jake said with a confused look on his face.
"I think there's was a mixup" I said.
"I'll go ask the guys" Jake said and he walked out the door. I sat down on the bed and took my combat boots off. I switched the tv on. I checked my phone for messages and saw that Jake left his phone here. 'Should I look through it?' I thought to myself as his phone sat on the desk by the TV. I was tempted to go through his phone, but the small guiltiness in me stopped me from doing so. I laid down a good ten minutes until the door opened again.
"They said that there was a mixup with the room, but there's no more two bed rooms available," Jake said as he sighed.
"It's fine, we'll just sleep in the same bed" I told him. Jake looked down at his hands and blushed a bit. I didn't react to it, knowing that it probably meant nothing. Jake grabbed his phone and started scrolling through his phone. I will always wonder what he has on there. My phone buzzed and I checked to see who it was. I sat once again on the edge of the bed and opened my message notification. To my surprise it was none other than Sammi.
Sammi: Look you worthless piece of shit, I need those divorce papers by next week! If you don't get bring them then, then I'll get my lawyer on your ass!
I sighed. Jake noticed it too.
"You alright Jinxx?" He asked me
"Yeah, it's just Sammi talking about the divorce papers again" he wrapped an arm around me.
"It'll be alright. Women are just complicated" he said. I laughed a bit.
"Thanks man" I said.
"Now cmon lets go downstairs and get some drinks." We walked toward the elevator and once we reached the lobby we went to the bar area. I need a few drinks to get Sammi off my mind now.

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