Chapter 15: Nori

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Hiro leaned against the cold metal railing of the rooftop, his breath fogging up in the chilly air as he stared out at the cityscape. He could feel the weight of Yutaka's gaze on him, but Hiro was preoccupied with thoughts of Kimiko, her fierce eyes and determined spirit now lost to them.

"Finding Kimiko is our top priority, Yutaka," Hiro said, his voice thick with concern. "I can't just abandon her."

"Of course not," Yutaka replied, adjusting his glasses. "But we also have to think about the greater good. With her in possession of a Mach, our goal to destroy them becomes much more complicated." Yutaka sighed, the lines on his face deepening with worry. "The risks are higher now."

"There has to be a way to track her," Hiro insisted, balling his fists in determination.

Yutaka shook his head, his expression solemn. "Not when a Mach is inactive. It's impossible."

"Then we'll find another way," Hiro countered, his mind racing through possibilities. "What about a way to scan for the electrical signals these devices give off?"

Yutaka paused, considering. "I might be able to enhance your tracking capabilities, but I'll need some time to work on it."

"Take all the time you need," Hiro said, pulling out the old cellphone that acted as a disguise for his Mach. He handed it to Yutaka, who cradled it carefully in his hands. "Just make sure we find her."


Days later, Hiro lay in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Doubt gnawed at him, making him question if they would ever find Kimiko or if their mission was an impossible task. His chest tightened as he thought about the four Machs he had discovered, only one of which had been destroyed—and not even by his own hand. The lives lost and the destruction caused by these weapons haunted him, but he couldn't give up. There was no other choice.

Just as Hiro's thoughts threatened to consume him, his phone rang, snapping him back to reality. Yutaka's voice on the other end sounded urgent. "Hiro, meet me at the park. We need to talk."

"Is it about Kimiko?" Hiro asked, sitting up and feeling a glimmer of hope.

"Maybe," Yutaka replied cryptically. "Just get here as soon as you can."

As Hiro got ready to leave, the weight of his mission settled on his shoulders once more. They had to find her. For the world's sake, and for their own.


Hiro arrived at the park, where Yutaka was already waiting for him on a bench under the shade of a cherry blossom tree. The sun cast warm rays through the delicate pink petals, creating a dappled pattern on the ground.

"Good news," Yutaka said as Hiro approached, his eyes hidden behind his glasses. "I managed to enhance the tracking capabilities of your Mach."

"Really?" Hiro's heart raced with anticipation. "So we can find Kimiko?"

"Maybe." Yutaka hesitated. "If the Mach is fully turned off, it still won't be traceable. But if it's on and not active, we should be able to track it."

"Let's hope she didn't turn it off completely." Hiro's voice wavered, betraying his concern for her safety. "Thank you, Yutaka."

Yutaka handed the old cellphone back to Hiro. "We'll find her, Hiro. Don't worry."

Activating the tracking feature, Hiro's eyes widened as he saw four Machs appear on the screen—three in Tokyo and one in Osaka. He looked up at Yutaka, determination etched on his face.

"Kimiko must be here, in Osaka. I'll go find her."

"Be careful, Hiro," Yutaka called after him as Hiro sprinted away.

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