Chapter 22: Escape

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Nori's footsteps echoed in the silent city streets, the sound barely audible above his own thoughts. His mind buzzed with concern for Hiro, ever since the festival, and how to protect him from the Japanese government's pursuit. A low rumble caught his attention, but he quickly dismissed it as thunder. As Nori muttered under his breath, considering possible strategies, his eyes remained glued to the pavement.

"Damn," he whispered, feeling the weight of responsibility. "I have to keep Hiro safe."

In his preoccupied state, Nori walked straight into a man who stood gazing upward at something. The impact sent both men reeling, and Nori looked up, ready to unleash a tirade. Instead, he followed the man's gaze to the large holographic monitor displayed above them. The Canadian Embassy was under attack by a Mach.

"Is that...?" Nori trailed off, realization dawning on him as he scrutinized the image.

The Mach wasn't Hiro; he knew Hiro's Mach intimately, every curve and angle. Yet, this other Mach posed a threat not just to the embassy but to Hiro as well. If Hiro found out, he'd come to help, putting himself in even more danger. This Mach, however, could provide the distraction Nori needed.

"Perfect," he said, a grin spreading across his face. "I'll destroy this Mach myself. No one will stand against me."

"Are you crazy?" the man beside him asked. "That thing is unstoppable!"

"Watch and see," Nori replied, leaving the man behind without another word.

He sprinted toward a secluded alleyway, his heart pounding with anticipation. In the darkness, Nori began the process of powering up. He felt the familiar hum of energy as his cybernetic armor enveloped his body, each piece locking into place with a satisfying click. Nori couldn't help but smile as he thought of the upcoming battle. Destroying this Mach would prove he was still the most skilled and powerful Mach user, ensuring Hiro wouldn't have to get involved.

"Time to end this," Nori said, his voice barely above a whisper as the last piece of armor encased him.

With newfound resolve, he stepped out of the shadows, ready to take out his complicated feelings on this new Mach.


The sound of screams and crumbling debris filled the air as panic engulfed the Canadian Embassy. Osamu, his heart pounding in his chest, weaved through the debris on the interrogation room floor. His sole focus: finding Kimiko and getting her out before the fight escalated.

"Where's Daiki?" he muttered under his breath, glancing around for any sign of his comrade. It was unlike him not to be at the forefront of the defense, and Osamu couldn't shake the gnawing worry that Daiki might still be in interrogation. If so, freeing Kimiko would become a Herculean task.

As he navigated the floor, the destruction thinned out, replaced by eerie silence. Osamu's eyes darted from door to door, searching for the one that would lead him to Kimiko. Finally, he found it – interrogation room 57, seemingly abandoned amidst the turmoil above.

"Kimiko," he whispered urgently as he stepped inside, relieved to find her still handcuffed to the table. Her eyes narrowed with suspicion as she took in his unfamiliar face.

"Who are you?" she demanded, steel in her voice. "If you think you can get information out of me, you're mistaken."

"Relax," Osamu said, raising his hands in a non-threatening gesture. "I'm working with Hiro. I'm here to rescue you."

At the mention of Hiro's name, a flicker of guilt crossed Kimiko's face. She swallowed hard, remembering the trouble she'd caused – stealing a Mach, attacking a school, refusing to back down.

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