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Hey Readers,

So glad to have you dive into the world I've cooked up here. This book's been a wild ride - lots of late-night brainstorms and a ton of tinkering. I hope it gives you feels, thrills, and a few surprises along the way.

I basically created this story from the chaos of my imagination, and now I'm throwing it your way. The characters, the twists, and the crazy settings - it's all served up with love, hoping it grabs you.

Just a heads up, though, This isn't your typical walk in the park. Brace yourself for the unexpected. And, fair warning, It's like a rollercoaster, thrilling, occasionally heart-pounding, and maybe a bit unpredictable.

So, grab a comfy seat, maybe a snack, and let's see where this story takes us. Thanks for being part of the ride!


Warning: This book is a work of fiction, All the events, Characters and incidents are fictional.


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