𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 !

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chapter thirteen!

⇢ ˗ˏˋ this is why we can't have nice things▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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˗ˏˋ this is why we can't have nice things

THE SURPRISE PARTY WAS in hues of celebration, was a kaleidoscope of lights and laughter as Shayla entered, still riding the high of her performance on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon." Rachel, the mastermind behind the celebration, greeted her with a mischievous grin.

"Surprise!" the room chorused, and Shayla's eyes sparkled with astonishment. The atmosphere hummed with excitement, the warmth of friendship embracing her as she navigated through the crowd.

As the night unfolded, someone suggested, "Shayla, how about a live performance? We want to hear more of your incredible music!" The crowd, buzzing with anticipation, began chanting for Shayla to sing. Despite the emotional whirlwind she had faced earlier, Shayla, fueled by the energy of the moment and perhaps one too many celebratory drinks, found herself drawn to the makeshift stage.

The chords of her new song resonated through the room, each lyric a reflection of her journey and the emotions she had poured into her music.

" This is why we can't have nice things, darling. Because you break them, I have to take them away. "

The cheers and applause that followed were a testament to the genuine connection Shayla had forged with her audience and the party goer who shouted "FUCK KANYE WEST" during the chorus.

Amidst the applause, Tom, recognizing the vulnerability in Shayla's eyes, approached her with a hint of hesitation. He wasn't there to stir trouble; instead, he wanted to congratulate her and offer a few words of support. As he neared, Timothy, consumed by an unhealthy cocktail of jealousy and possessiveness, surged forward and forcefully pushed Tom, the action drawing gasps from the onlookers.

The atmosphere tensed, and Shayla, teetering on the edge of intoxication, tried to diffuse the situation. "Timothy, please, it's not what you think," she pleaded, her words slightly slurred.

However, her plea went unheard as Timothy, fueled by rage, lashed out. His hand connected with Shayla's cheek in a stinging slap, the room falling silent as shock rippled through the crowd.

In the hushed aftermath, Shayla, her eyes watering, faced a tumultuous mix of emotions. Tom, genuinely concerned for her well-being, moved to intervene, only to be met with Timothy's mocking laughter.

"You don't lay a hand on her, ever again," Tom warned, his voice low and stern, his fists clenched in restrained anger.

Timothy, seemingly undeterred, retorted with a dismissive laugh. The confrontation intensified, becoming a volatile dance of emotions in the midst of the party. Friends attempted to mediate, their voices overlapping in a chorus of concern and disbelief.

As the scene unfolded, the celebration transformed into an unexpected drama, leaving a bitter aftertaste in the air. Shayla, caught in the crossfire of conflict, struggled to navigate the complexities of the moment, her emotions heightened by the intoxication that veiled the edges of her awareness.

In the midst of the chaos, Tom, with genuine concern etched on his face, tried to convey a message of support to Shayla. However, the night had spiraled into a collision of conflicting emotions, leaving everyone in attendance to grapple with the aftermath of a celebration that had taken an unexpected turn.


AMID THE ECHOES OF the confrontation that reverberated through the room, Shayla, still reeling from the slap and the emotional turbulence, found solace on the balcony. The night air embraced her, a cool contrast to the heated atmosphere inside.

As Shayla leaned against the balcony railing, the soft glow of city lights below offered a calming backdrop. Unbeknownst to her, Tom, concerned for her well-being, had quietly followed her to the balcony. His footsteps, almost muffled by the distant sounds of the party, approached her.

"Shayla," he spoke gently, breaking the silence that enveloped the balcony. Startled, Shayla turned to find Tom, his expression a blend of empathy and concern.

"Hey," she managed a weak smile, attempting to brush off the weight of the earlier events.

Tom, sensing her vulnerability, chose his words carefully. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay. That was intense in there."

Shayla sighed, the emotional exhaustion evident in her eyes. "Yeah, it was. I didn't expect any of this tonight."

Tom leaned against the balcony railing, offering her a reassuring presence. "You don't have to go through it alone. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here."

The sincerity in Tom's words acted as a balm to Shayla's wounded spirit. They began to share stories, opening up about the complexities of relationships, the weight of expectations, and the toll of unexpected confrontations. The balcony, once a haven of solitude, transformed into a space where two souls connected amidst the quiet cityscape.

As the conversation unfolded, Shayla found herself drawn to the understanding and comfort Tom provided. The camaraderie, built on shared experiences and a genuine connection, became a lifeline in the midst of the chaos that had unfolded just moments ago.

In the tender quietude, Tom, his gaze holding a depth of emotion, reached out to gently cup Shayla's cheek. Their eyes met, and in that vulnerable exchange, a palpable tension hung in the air. The unspoken understanding between them blossomed into a moment of shared vulnerability.

With a mixture of hesitation and longing, Tom leaned in, capturing Shayla's lips in a gentle kiss. It was a moment suspended in time, a union born from shared pain and a yearning for connection. The city lights below bore witness to the unspoken emotions that unfolded on the balcony, where two hearts found solace in each other's company.

As they broke the kiss, the world seemed to come back into focus. Shayla, her heart pounding, looked into Tom's eyes, finding a silent acknowledgment of the uncharted territory they had entered. The balcony, once a refuge from the chaos, now held the lingering promise of a connection that transcended the complexities of the night

But one thing stayed in her mind that night, she never thought she would feel sparks fly like that...



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C speaks!

# currently listening to invisible string and it's definitely their song

have a marvellous day!

✓ 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, tom blythWhere stories live. Discover now