𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾 !

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chapter twenty three!

❛ REPUTATION ༉‧₊˚chapter twenty three!

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˗ˏˋ stood up

THE NEXT DAY UNFOLDED with a mix of excitement and trepidation for Shayla as she found herself at their cherished coffee spot. The familiar aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the hum of conversations surrounded her, creating an ambiance that usually felt warm and inviting. Yet, as the minutes passed, the anticipation gave way to a growing sense of unease.

Tom was running late, a rarity for him. Shayla checked her watch, glancing at the entrance with every jingle of the bell, hoping to see him walk through the door. As more time elapsed, the hope turned into a tinge of concern, and the realization slowly sank in – Tom might not be coming.

She checked her phone repeatedly, expecting a message or an explanation, but the screen remained stubbornly silent. The atmosphere in the cafe became a symphony of clinking cups and distant chatter, yet an uncomfortable quiet settled over Shayla. The latte she had ordered grew cold, mirroring the chill that had crept into her heart.

Questions swirled in her mind – had something come up? Was there an emergency? Or was this a deliberate choice? Doubt and confusion clouded the anticipation that had filled her just moments ago. The unspoken agreement they had, prioritizing her album release before delving into their feelings, seemed to fracture.

With a heavy heart, Shayla gathered her belongings to leave. The cafe, once a haven of shared laughter and tender moments, now held a different resonance. The empty chair across from her symbolized unfulfilled promises and a void left by the absence of the anticipated conversation.

Outside, the city moved on, oblivious to the emotional turbulence within Shayla. As she walked the familiar streets, she glanced at her phone once more, desperately hoping for a message that might explain Tom's absence. The ache of standing alone in a place that had held the echoes of their connection intensified the sting of being stood up.

The journey home was a quiet introspection. Shayla couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment and confusion. She replayed their recent exchanges in her mind, questioning the depth of their connection and whether she had misunderstood something crucial. The unspoken conversation they were meant to have lingered, suspended in the air like an unfinished melody.

As she entered her apartment, the solitude amplified the emotions swirling within. Shayla sank into her favorite chair, contemplating the uncharted terrain of their feelings. The unfulfilled promise of their meeting left a void, and the weight of uncertainty settled in. The city outside continued its rhythm, unaware of the emotional crescendo that had transformed into an unexpected pause in Shayla's world.


IN THE AFTERMATH OF the unexpected pause in her meeting with Tom, Shayla sought solace in her music studio, surrounded by the familiar instruments that had witnessed the melodies of her soul. The unanswered questions lingered, but the creative space offered a refuge for her emotions to find expression.

✓ 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, tom blythWhere stories live. Discover now