Part 3- Drawing

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"There's things I want to say to you but I'll just let you live"
Lana del ray

Latin was going smoothly some laughter from the boys here and there but nothing crazy was happening. Me and the girls were having a conversation of our own everyone ignoring the teacher who didn't even realise that was until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Pss" whispered the boy behind me, I turn around and say "yes what's the problem". He then just smirks and passes me a note. Confused I take it "what's this" I ask not knowing what may be inside it. "It's for you." I slowly open the note to see a drawing of tits and underneath it, it says 'nice tits pretty' I scoff and look around the room to see who it was. My eyes land on him Descamps raising his eye brows trying not laugh.

Before I can say anything the note is snatched out of my hands, as Mr Douillard now hovered over my desk, his facial expression firm and eyebrows knitted together.

He scoffs, speaking in a serious tone "Promiscuity won't get you anywhere, Miss Vera. This a school not a place for girls like you who portray themselves as prostitutes. So if you are not here to learn, which quite frankly you have no business in doing since you are a girl, then the last thing I want you doing is for you to pollute the minds of these intelligent young boys with your disgustingly disturbing imagery."

"I didn't do it, I wouldn't draw such a thing." I lean back in my seat and point at the group of boys behind me. "It was one of them sir they passed me it."

"Detention." Without looking at me Mr Douillard returns back to the front of the class to carry on his lesson.

"What?" I say sternly. "How is this fair I told you it wasn't me are you deaf, is it your old age taking over?"

A sudden gasp comes out of his mouth, followed by a serious "How dare you. That's 2 hours of detention."

I roll my eyes and slide down into my seat feeling angry and humiliated. Why would Descamps draw such a thing? Maybe he is awful after all?

Mr Douillard dismissed us a few minutes after the bell rang - not very surprising though - I put everything back in my bag and and leave the now empty classroom.

"What a dick" states Michéle obviously angry with the situation also. "I know but I can't do anything because you know after all we are only girls" i sigh. We carry on walking until we enter the lunch hall.

( it would be much appreciated if you would comment and show love)
(Next part will be up soon I promise)

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