Part 7- Tension

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"Cause girl, you're perfect, you're always worth it, and you deserve it, the way you work it."
The weeknd

I was walking down to the teachers bathroom to get dressed for pe. Great right just what I want right now. Simone was getting ready complaining how she has a fat bruise from falling this morning trying to work out.

I couldn't help but laugh and so did Michéle. "Hey! It's not funny it's turning purple and these shorts don't cover it" complaining once again.

"You guys head up I'll be there soon okay" i state looking at the 2 already dressed girls. "Okay we will be waiting in the sports hall" and with that they left.

I close the bathroom and start removing my clothes. I put my dark blue pe top on which was a great fit. What a relief.

The bathroom door swings open and I quickly try and cover myself before anyone sees my undressed self. "Hey beautiful" his voice rang in my head.

"What are you doing leave now!" I whisper shout. He just laughs and looks at me from head to toe. I get nervous and quickly put my shorts on.

"What's the rush mi amour" he whisper in my ear. That name again, something about it makes my body shiver.

"Nothing to say now do we. I won't do anything you don't want me to" he says into my neck kissing it.

I try and speak but nothing seems to come out. Aurelia speak what are you doing woman. I think to my self.

"You really are beautiful you know." His words, his touch makes my knees go weak. "Descamps, why are you in hear" I let out an exasperated sigh.

"I'm here for you" he spins me around so I'm facing him. I back up slowly towards the sink not knowing what to do. He takes a step closer to me. Our faces only a cm apart.

He picks me up and places me on the sink. "Nervous are we amour" he continues to leave small kisses on my neck.

"Descamps we have to go, I've been in here far too long." I whisper laying my head back so he has more space.

"Okay then if that's what you want amour" and with that he unlocks the door and leaves.

My cheeks are all red and I stay sat there shocked. What has just happened?

I quickly gather my things and leave to go to the sports hall. I set my things down and run towards the girls. Getting a few whistles from the boys on the way.

"There you are we were wondering what you was doing" Michéle laughs. I look at her and laugh "yeah sorry I couldn't find my other sock." Simone laughs and we start climbing the long rope. I go first since Simone and Michéle were speaking to her brother. From the corner of my eye I can see Descamps grinning. Gosh that grin, and just him in general are so attractive. I think to myself Aurelia what are you doing?

(Hey everyone hope this part is pleasing to you all)
(This encounter was more interesting)
(Poor Aurelia doesn't know what to do with herself )

Mon amour <3 (Joseph descamps)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora